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Fitness influencer calls out man who went on 'disrespectful' rant at her for filming her workout

Fitness influencer calls out man who went on 'disrespectful' rant at her for filming her workout

Ah, another week, another gym saga, but this one has really got TikTokers' bloods boiling.

Another week, another gym saga, but this one has really got TikTokers' bloods boiling.

No matter what gym you go to, there's a certain etiquette which follows - put your weights back where you found them, check with any other gym goer about recording if they're in the shot... the list goes on.

However, no matter what you do, there's always one who's going to find an issue and think it's their duty to comment on your conduct, and one TikToker had a pretty 'negative' run-in with a gym bro.

TikToker Em - who goes by the username @emmysbakedbeans - took to the platform last week to share a video of one of her workouts at a branch of O2 Fitness in North Carolina.

If you listen to the video without sound, it looks like any other fitness influencer's gym videos. However, turn the volume up and it's a completely different story.

While Em was trying to get her weighted lateral pull downs in on the machine, a man can be heard in the background shouting over to her - his comments so bad, she gets up and walks away.

But what could he have possibly said?

Oh for someone to be able to go to the gym and workout in peace.
TikTok/ @emmysbakedbeans

Well, rather than shouting out in concern or with words of encouragement, a voice shouts - seemingly towards Em - that she should 'try spending more time working out'.

"It'll help a lot more," the voice continues. "Sitting there f**king video-taping yourself the whole time."

He resolves: "It's stupid why you're doing it."

Despite doing her best to focus on her workout, Em puts the weight back up and walks away and has taken to social media to share the footage, hitting out at the man with the caption: "To all the men who say things like this to women at the gym... Bye."

And it hasn't taken long for other social media users are raining in to weigh in on the situation. Warning: Contains expletives.

Users flooded to the post to defend the fitness influencer for filming herself in the gym.

One TikTok user said: "i’d have picked up my phone and started taking selfies LMAO."

"He wanted a reaction and im SO glad you didn't give him one," another added.

A third added: "As a personal trainer, this is without question the one thing that I hate the most in any fitness setting. If someone has time to criticize others, then they have the time to criticize themselves."

"I sometimes want to film my self to look at the form I don't understand what's wrong. it's a personal process no? is it normal to ask if you can both use something while the other take breaks if she's taking a long time. God some people are just incapable of having a normal convo," a fourth added.

And a final resolved: "Girl you're slaying and he needs a life."

So, what do you think?

UNILAD has contacted O2 Fitness for comment.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@emmysbakedbeans

Topics: Sport, TikTok, Social Media