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Woman defends decision to refuse to swap plane seats so family could sit together

Woman defends decision to refuse to swap plane seats so family could sit together

The US-based TikToker claims she is 'not a villian'

A TikToker has gone viral after she unapologetically refused to swap plane seats so a family could sit together.

Maresa Friedman has defended herself against any haters and claims that she is 'not a villain'.

Watch below as the US-based woman explains herself:

The passenger uploaded a video of herself looking pretty wound up after she was asked to move seats by a family.

Taking to TikTok, she wrote: "No you can’t have my seat!

"I am not a villain for moving from the seat in first class I paid full fare for."

In a series of follow-up vids, she remained adamant that families shouldn't expect passengers, who have already paid for their seats, to move.

"I’m also a mom, so it’s called PLANNING AHEAD," Friedman added.

A TikToker has gone viral after she unapologetically refuses to swap plane seats so a family could sit together.

Many in the comments were taking the TikToker's side, with one person writing: "As she makes villain face, lol. Good for you, stand up for yourself."

"I don’t give up my seat anywhere ever on a plane. I reserved it early enough to get what I wanted. Your loss if you didn’t," someone else added.

A third person said: "Thank you! As a child free person I get shamed for not moving. I paid full price. I’m not moving."

"I'll never understand why people think you should give up the seat you paid for, just so they can sit together," a fourth thought.

Another added: "This is definitely a strategy some parents are employing by not paying for seat selection, assuming the airline or ppl will move bc they have kids."

Someone else joked: "As soon as I sit down, the noise canceling headphones go on. Any ridiculous requests will be treated as noise."

Maresa Friedman has defended herself against any haters and claims that she is 'not a villain'.

However, not everyone thought Friedman was right.

One person said: "I was on your side when I thought that u were being asked to go from 1st to economy, but it was just a row change in 1st! Most would've said 'ok'!"

Another added: "If I'm swapping my aisle for another aisle then I'm fine with swapping. I'll totally swap."

Friedman later claimed that the airline automatically books reservations together and that the family were separated because they either missed a flight or a connection.

UNILAD has contacted Friedman for comment.

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Featured Image Credit: maresasd/TikTok/Claudia Weinmann / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Travel, TikTok