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Airline passenger gags as person next to her clips their toenails

Airline passenger gags as person next to her clips their toenails

People have been left horrified by a TikTok video which exposes an airplane passenger cutting their toenails mid-flight.

People have been left horrified by a TikTok video which exposes an airplane passenger cutting their toenails mid-flight.

A five-hour flight is far from enjoyable anyway. Unless you're the sort who swans off to business or first class, you're more than likely to end up being pummelled in the back by a restless child, have someone's head loll on your shoulder as they drift off to sleep, or a screaming baby erupt as soon as the plane takes off.

However, this TikToker's experience truly tops it all.

Be warned. You don't want to watch this while eating:

Model and actor Nina Marie Daniele (@ninadrama) uploaded the video onto the social media platform on 24 September, 2022, informing followers she needed to 'change seats ASAP'.

As if 'germ-hotspots' weren't enough to worry about already, Nina also had to worry about a certain passenger seated next to her, who decided the perfect way to make use of the five-hour journey was to hack away at their toenails.

Not only that, but armed with their nail scissors, the passenger didn't bother with putting anything underneath their feet to catch the excess nail, but ripped the final trimmings off with their hands before discarding them on the floor.

The passenger got rid of his nail trimmings by throwing them on the floor.
@ninadrama/ TikTok

Consumed with the vision of toenails floating to the ground, probably a waft here and there of cheesy feet and the certainty of having to climb over the toenails if requiring a wee or once the plane lands, Nina can be seen retching and gagging into her hand in the video.

And the passenger didn't even have the decency to hand her over a sick bag.

Or on second thoughts, just use the sick bag themselves to collect the nail clippings.

Or even better, just not clip their toenails while in a confined space surrounded by strangers at all.

Nina was left gagging at the sight of the toenail cutting.
@ninadrama/ TikTok

Nina's post has since amassed over two million views, with other users having flocked to the TikTok in absolute horror over the incident.

One exclaimed: "This is illegal, Has to be!!! lol."

"How did they even allow nail clipper on the plan. I thought it's not approved by TSA," another questioned.

A third asked whether Nina had managed to change her seat.

She responded: "They won’t let me. Flight is full lol."

One user commiserated with Nina by sharing their own experience: "One time an old lady was scratching her hands the whole flight and her flakes all over my black leggings. I died inside."

A final said: "The way he rips it off and throws it on the floor… I’m dead."

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Featured Image Credit: @ninadrama/TikTok

Topics: TikTok, Viral, Social Media, Travel