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Stormy Daniels says whatever happens to Donald Trump there's going to be 'violence, injuries and death'

Stormy Daniels says whatever happens to Donald Trump there's going to be 'violence, injuries and death'

The porn star was warned that Donald Trump's supporters will react to his arrest with 'violence'

Stormy Daniels has warned that the upcoming arrest of former US president Donald Trump could lead to 'violence, injuries and death'.

Donald Trump recently made history by becoming the first ex-president to be charged with a crime, with a grand jury electing to indict him over an alleged $130,000 worth of hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels.

His accounts say the money paid was for legal fees, which prosecutors claim is a falsification of business records and that is a misdemeanour in New York.

The 76-year-old denied he had done anything wrong, releasing a statement where he accused 'thugs and radical left monsters' of having 'INDICATED' him.

Continuing to rant in all caps, he said it was 'AN ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE' and claimed it was also 'AN ATTACK ON OUR ONCE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS'.

Next Tuesday (4 April), Trump must turn himself over to the authorities or be arrested and extradited to New York, and Stormy Daniels has voiced concern over what his supporters might do.

Donald Trump must turn himself over to the authorities on Tuesday or be arrested.
REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Daniels said Trump's indictment was 'vindication' but had worries over how a divided nation would react, having already received personal threats.

She said: "It’s monumental and epic, and I’m proud. The other side of it is that it’s going to continue to divide people and bring them up in arms.

"He’s already gotten away with inciting a riot, and causing death and destruction. Whatever the outcome is, it’s going to cause violence, and there’s going to be injuries and death."

"There’s the potential for a lot of good to come from this. But either way, a lot of bad is going to come from it, too."

She added that it 'just takes one crazy supporter who thinks they’re doing God’s work or protecting democracy' for something to go horribly wrong, and outlined the hatred sent her way from Trump supporters since the indictment.

Stormy Daniels says she's not afraid of Trump, but fears what his supporters might do, having already threatened to murder her.
Pacific Press Media Production Corp. / Alamy Stock Photo

Daniels revealed that abuse and threats had been made to her across 'all social media platforms, and email, and phone' and said that while past abuse had largely focused on calling her a 'gold-digger, slut and whore', this time it was 'straight-up violent' with threats of murder made against her.

Two years ago, Trump's supporters infamously stormed the US Capitol building during the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election, with five people left dead as a result.

Politicians had to be evacuated while members of staff hid under tables, while outside a gallows was erected and people chanted for vice president Mike Pence to be hanged.

Trump, still the frontrunner in the Republican party to be their candidate at the 2024 election, has said he would pardon the Capitol rioters if he is voted back into the White House.

Picture Architect / Alamy Stock Photo

Daniels has not yet officially been called to testify against Trump, but hopes she will get the chance.

She said she was not afraid of Trump or of facing him in court, joking that she'd seen him naked and there was 'no way he could be scarier with his clothes on', but admitted that the threats his supporters were now making against her had her 'frightened'.

She claims she had sex with Donald Trump (his performance was described as a 'pathetic thump' in her own words) in a Nevada hotel in 2006, while the former president claims he never slept with her.

Last month a courthouse due to hold a hearing on a $250 million fraud lawsuit against Trump, his three eldest children and the Trump organization was the target of a bomb threat.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@thestormydaniels / White House Photo / Alamy

Topics: US News, News, Politics, Crime, Donald Trump