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Stephen A Smith crushes caller with perfect response to call about Pixar's Cars movie

Stephen A Smith crushes caller with perfect response to call about Pixar's Cars movie

He gave an excellent response to the question

Stephen A Smith had an excellent response when a caller rang into his show asking for his opinion on the Pixar flick Cars.

In a segment where he takes calls from viewers, Smith was asked a seemingly straightforward question about whether he reckoned a certain sports star was worthy of the coveted title of ‘GOAT’ - that’s Greatest Of All Time, for those who didn’t know.

‘Danny from Wisconsin’ wanted to know where the star fit in alongside other top athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Tom Brady.

However, Danny was actually throwing a bit of a curve ball as the ‘athlete’ in question was Lightning McQueen - yep, that Lightning McQueen, the fictional race car from the 2006 movie Cars - who, as Danny pointed out, won a whopping six Piston Cups; that’s the fictional racing series within the movie, in case you didn’t know.

But if you thought that such a question might throw Smith then you clearly don’t know the man as he gave a quick bit of thinking and replied: “Hmmm. I would tell you he wouldn’t be the GOAT.

Stephen A Smith must be a bit of a Cars fan.

“How are you gonna be the GOAT? Because you’re talking about the movie Cars, right? You’re talking about the movie Cars, right?

“I mean, when you talk about Strip ‘The King’ Weathers and, and, and Lightning McQueen, they’re both tied with seven Piston Cups… You got somebody that’s tied with you? You got somebody that’s tied with you. Sorry, that ain’t going to work.”

Is anyone else super impressed with his Pixar knowledge? It can’t just be me.

Smith then jokingly added: “I know you tried to catch me with that. You didn’t think I knew that about that.”

With the caller well and truly put in his place, Smith then added the final insult.

“I am not about to sit here and argue with a grown ass man about the movie Cars,” he added. Fair point, well made.

After Danny tried to explain that Cars felt real to the children who watched it, Smith brutally hit back: “You’re not a little kid, you’re 21!

"You would have a point if you’re seven-years-old and calling me, you’re 21-years-old! What are you doing, wearing a diaper? Goodbye, man.” Ouch.

Sharing the clip on X, formerly known as Twitter, Smith wrote: "A live caller tried to get me with a Cars question… it didn't go well for him."

Featured Image Credit: X/@stephenasmith / Pixar

Topics: Film and TV, Pixar, Sport, Disney