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Influencer who decided to deep clean a random stranger's grave at night leaves people divided

Influencer who decided to deep clean a random stranger's grave at night leaves people divided

The influencer filmed herself cleaning a gravestone which had become neglected, but people had a lot of differing thoughts

An influencer has caused controversy after posting a video of herself cleaning a gravestone.

In itself, this is a benign act which could be a nice gesture, especially if a grave has been neglected for a long time.

But the way in which influencer @_the-clean_girl has gone about cleaning this particular grave has drawn a lot of attention online.

The video featured her cleaning the gravestone.
TikTok / @_the_clean_girl

Viewers were left unnerved by her unusual manner of speaking which sounded unnervingly like the automated voice on TikTok, and extremely upbeat for a video like this.

In the video, which has had more than 18 million views on TikTok, the influencer said: "I'm at the graveyard at night, cleaning this abandoned grave for free.

"I have so many questions in my head. What's happened? How did this grave get so dirty?

"Who's buried here? Her name's Bienvenida. Wow, her name is welcome in Español."

She continued: "Right now this is the dirtiest grave I've ever seen. That's so unfair, everyone deserves a beautiful resting place."

The influencer added: "I wonder what Bienvenida's life was like."

In a surreal moment, she then asked 'does she like chocolate cupcakes?' before filming herself taking a bite out of one that she had brought with her.

People had a lot of questions, including asking why she had brought a shovel with her to the cleaning.

But the first one was the oddly upbeat way of speaking.

One person asked: "Why does she talk like that?"

Another posted: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with cleaning a neglected grave but the way she talks about this woman does not sit right with me at all."

Someone else pointed out that although cleaning a grave was a nice gesture, they thought the way she behaved was not respectful.

Some people found the tone of the video inappropriate.
TiKTok / @_the_cleaning_girl

They wrote: "Yeah she’s doing a good deed then exploiting the deceased…also her tone is disrespectful… she could do these videos without being like that, people love to watch restoration content its not necessary."

Someone else highlighted that there are other TikTok accounts which regularly clean old gravestones and go into extensive detail about the person whose grave they are cleaning.

They wrote: "Theres a person that does something similar also on youtube and her tone is so much more respectful and you can tell she only talks about the person's life to make sure they aren't forgotten its really sweet."

UNILAD has reached out to @_the_clean_girl for comment.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok / @_the_clean_girl

Topics: News, Social Media, US News, Weird, TikTok