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22-year-old bride sparks outrage after banning anyone under 21 from her wedding

22-year-old bride sparks outrage after banning anyone under 21 from her wedding

The 22-year-old bride revealed she and her husband want a 'child-free' wedding.

A 22-year-old bride is facing backlash online after revealing she and her husband decided on a 'child-free wedding'.

You've heard of people calling for child-free flights, so how about a good old child-free wedding?

Well, a 22-year-old bride has revealed her and her partner decided on a child-free wedding, and it didn't go down too well with one guest in particular.

But what do you think about the rule?

The bride took to Reddit thread r/AmITheA**hole to question whether her and her husband's decision to go child-free was uncalled for.

She explains they are both child-free themselves, and because they want alcohol at the wedding, decided everyone had to be 21-years-old or over.

The post reads: "This requirement so far has gone over well with most of our invitees (most of our invitees don’t even have kids anyway so it doesn’t make a difference for them)."

However, the bride admits one friend, 20-year-old Mel, ultimately didn't make the cut and wasn't too happy about it.

The Reddit user said she wanted a child-free wedding.
Pexels/ Jeremy Wong

Despite explaining the rule, noting it 'wasn't personal' and she just didn't want to 'worry about underage drinking going under [her] nose on [her] wedding day,' Mel accused the bride of being 'a bad friend'.

The Redditer continues: "She argued that since we had drank together before it shouldn’t be such a big deal, but I told her that it was different since we were both underage at the time (I was 20 and she was 18-19ish when we started drinking together).

"Now as an adult, I feel like I have a responsibility to prevent underage drinking, and as the bride, I feel like I have the right to have a childfree wedding."

Sadly, Mel remains 'unconvinced', and even 'keeps talking bad about' the bride behind her back, 'making snarky comments about [her] feeling superior'.

The bride resolves: "I don’t see why she can’t just relax and let me have my wedding day the way I like. So Reddit, aita?"

Well, it's fair to say the comments on the post are all pretty united, in agreement the bride is, in fact, the a**hole.

One user - who's since deleted their profile - wrote: "It's weird that you would consider someone that is a year younger than you 'a child'... yet think that YOU are old enough to get married?! So close to being a child?!

"YTA. You wouldn't have to worry about underage drinking : the only person with that concern would be the barman."

Another commented: "YTA. You’re 22 and you made the cutoff 21? That is not “childfree.” Your wedding is Mel-free."

And a third wrote: "I can't decide if you're an AH for the wedding itself because you're certainly within your rights to have only people of legal drinking age at your wedding, but YTA for referring to this as a 'childfree' wedding. Your 20-year-old friend is not a child. Also, the whole 'now that I'm a whole 22 years old I feel a responsibility to stop 20-year-olds from drinking' thing is coming off very condescending.

"If you were having a childfree wedding, Mel would be invited. You're not doing that, and as a result you're excluding exactly one person from your friend group because you apparently don't even trust her enough to say 'Please don't drink at my wedding because I don't want to deal with any liabilities around underage drinking.'"

Featured Image Credit: AndersenRoss/AnnaBlazhuk/Getty Images

Topics: Reddit, Sex and Relationships, Social Media, Viral, Food and Drink