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Seven People Hospitalised On Third Day Of Spanish Bull Running Festival

Seven People Hospitalised On Third Day Of Spanish Bull Running Festival

Seven people have been injured during the Pamplona bull running festival in Spain.

Seven people have been hospitalised after getting injured on the third day of the famous Spanish bull running festival in Pamplona.

Away for two years thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, thousands have flocked to the streets of the Spanish city to get chased down by angry bulls.

On the third day of the festival six Spanish men and one Frenchman required hospital treatment after being on the wrong end of the horns of a stampeding bull.

Luckily it seems as though none of them were seriously injured, a close escape as it was first thought that at least two of the people had been gored by a bull.

There are always close calls at bull running festivals, coming within an inch of being gored by a stampeding bull and getting away safely is part of the kick people get out of it.

However, the lives of the participants are always on the line as there's always that risk that something terrible will happen.

The most famous bull running festival in the world is held in Pamplona.

The bull running course for the festival is sprayed with a special substance to stop the stampeding animals from slipping on tight corners and crashing into buildings.

At just 875 metres long, the whole thing is normally over in about three minutes or so despite people coming from all over the world to witness the bull running festival.

The bulls that make the famous run are killed in the afternoon by bullfighters, a practice often slated as animal cruelty.

Most of the people who take part in a bull run are amateurs and can at best scramble out of the way of the horns and hooves of the bulls.

As for the professionals, they often like to make the most of their time on the bull run by running for their lives just in front of the bull's horns and peeling off at the last second.

It's surely thrilling, but I'd rather take a long and happy life over getting gored to death by a bull.

Thousands travel to Spain every year to take part in bull running events.

Bull running is an incredibly dangerous way to get your adrenaline kick as people can get injured or even killed by the bulls charging down the streets.

There's also the risk of being trampled in a crowd of thousands of other people as they all try to get away from the bulls.

It's a popular event all across Spain, but deaths and injuries are known to happen.

One unlucky man was gored in the testicles by a bull during an event in Cuellar and had to be rushed to hospital.

Others have died, gored to death by the mighty beasts as they run through tight town streets, while some of the casualties are from spectators rather than participants.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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