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Russian Pundit Calls For All Ukrainians To Be 'Erased' As He Agrees With US Claims Of Genocide

Russian Pundit Calls For All Ukrainians To Be 'Erased' As He Agrees With US Claims Of Genocide

Vladimir Solovyov said he was offended by the 'idea' of Ukraine

A Russian television pundit said Ukraine should be 'erased'.

Vladimir Solovyov was speaking on his debate show when the discussion turned to the US government's claims that Vladimir Putin was committing 'genocide' in Ukraine.

The issue sparked a vile tirade from Solovyov, who said that he agreed with the assessment and even welcomed it.

He said: "Here's what Victoria Nuland says: she claims that Vladimir Putin is committing genocide.

"She specifically says Putin's goal is evident: to erase the idea of being Ukrainian

"I agree with Victoria Nuland. Vika, you are a genius!

"This idea needs to be erased from start to finish, once and for all. It's been poisoning the lives of Slavic people for 100 years.

The Russian pundit said he welcomed 'genocide' in Ukraine (Russia-1)
The Russian pundit said he welcomed 'genocide' in Ukraine (Russia-1)

"In reality, Russian people were told, now you're going to be Ukrainian even though the name itself is insulting - an insulting name - to be one of the Russian peoples and to suddenly become Ukrainians."

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nuland said this week that it was likely Russian actions would be deemed as 'genocide'.

She was referring to comments made by the US president Joe Biden, who said he believed genocide was being carried out.

Speaking in Iowa, Biden said: "More evidence is coming out about literally the horrible things that the Russians have done in Ukraine.

"And we’re going to only learn more and more about the devastation. We’ll let the lawyers decide, internationally, whether or not it qualifies [as genocide] but it sure seems that way to me."

Upon returning to Washington, DC. Biden clarified his comments.

He said: "I called it genocide because it's become clearer and clearer that Putin is just trying to wipe out even the idea of being Ukrainian.

900 civilians have died in Kyiv since Russia dealers war on Ukraine (Alamy)
900 civilians have died in Kyiv since Russia dealers war on Ukraine (Alamy)

"The evidence is mounting."

This comes after it was announced that hundreds of civilians had died in Kyiv following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Andriy Nebytov, the head of Kyiv’s regional police force, said more than 900 bodies have been discovered in the Kyiv region since the withdrawal of Russian troops, citing police data that indicated 95 percent had died from gunshot wounds.

He said: "Consequently, we understand that under the (Russian) occupation, people were simply executed in the streets."

Nebytov added: "The most victims were found in Bucha, where there are more than 350 corpses."

Featured Image Credit: RUSSIA-1

Topics: Ukraine, Russia, Politics, Joe Biden, US News