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Russia Is Preparing To Restrict People From ‘Unfriendly’ States Entering Country

Russia Is Preparing To Restrict People From ‘Unfriendly’ States Entering Country

In an attempt to hit back at Western sanctions, Putin and his allies are set to restrict the entry of 'unfriendly' nationals into Russia

Today (28 March), Russia announced it is preparing to restrict entry for citizens considered to be from ‘unfriendly’ countries, such as Britain, all EU states and the US. 

Broadcast on one of Russia’s state television channels, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "A draft presidential decree is being developed on retaliatory visa measures in response to the 'unfriendly' actions of a number of foreign states.

"This act will introduce a number of restrictions on entry into Russia," he added, without elaborating. 

Since the imposing of sanctions on Moscow by the West, Russia has expanded the list of what it defines as ‘unfriendly’ countries. 

They now include the United States, Australia, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, all EU member states and several others. 

Vladimir Putin.

The news comes in light of Russia’s ongoing invasion in Ukraine, which has now passed the four-week mark. 

According to the UK Ministry of Defence, Russia’s pursuits remain ‘largely static’. 

Russian forces have made a number of unsuccessful attempts to encircle Kyiv, despite suggesting they would refocus their efforts in the eastern parts of Ukraine. 

According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the capital holds the largest concentration of Russian ground forces. However, Ukrainian forces remain largely in control, especially in the southern region of Kyiv. 

Ukraine has now begun launching counter-attacks in the capital, which has enabled it to regain territory previously lost to Russian troops. 

Putin's invasion of Ukraine has now passed the four-week mark.

Meanwhile, a group of amateur drone pilots reportedly helped to destroy Russia’s 40-mile convoy, nicknamed the ‘death convoy’. 

The long line of Russian tanks was thought to be headed for Kyiv, but soon came to a standstill after suffering logistics and supply issues. 

Nevertheless, a huge wave of Ukrainian aerial bombardments has now seemingly destroyed the convoy thanks to a group of volunteer experts from a specialist air reconnaissance unit called Aerorozvidka. 

Commander Lt. Col. Yaroslav Honchar revealed to The Guardian: "This one little unit in the night destroyed two or three vehicles at the head of this convoy, and after that it was stuck. 

"They stayed there two more nights, and [destroyed] many vehicles."

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: World News, Russia, Ukraine