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Prison Officer Who Disappeared With Murder Suspect Seen Sneaking Him Out Of Jail

Prison Officer Who Disappeared With Murder Suspect Seen Sneaking Him Out Of Jail

The prison guard reportedly had a 'special relationship' with Casey White, who has been described as a 'dangerous monster'

The female prison guard who disappeared with a murder suspect was seen sneaking him out of prison on CCTV.

Correctional officer Vicki White was caught on camera sneaking 6ft 9 ‘monster’ Casey White (no relation) out of Lauderdale County Jail, located in Florence, Alabama, after investigators and inmates warned that the two of them had developed a ‘special relationship’ with each other.

Take a look at the moment the suspected murderer was broken out of jail below:

A manhunt is now underway for the 38-year-old and his accomplice, who are both said to be armed with an AR-15 and a shotgun. A $10,000 bounty for information relating to their whereabouts is currently in place, according to ABC 3340.

Security footage of the event, which took place on 29 April, shows the 56-year-old widow holding a door open for White - still wearing handcuffs - before the two of them jumped into a black car together and sped off at approximately 9.30am.

Casey White and Vicky White, who are now both on the run together.
Lauderdale Sheriff's Office

Sources report that Ms White had claimed that she was merely escorting White to a mental health evaluation, although this was later confirmed to be a ruse.

Friday - the day the two went missing - was supposed to be Ms White's last day on the job after 25 years of ‘exemplary’ service, with her telling colleagues that she had recently sold her home and planned to spend more time at the beach.

"I would have trusted Vicki with my life. I really mean it," Lauderdale County District Attorney Chris Connolly told reporters. "If we needed something from the jail, she was our go-to person, a solid employee. That's why it's so shocking."

CCTV footage captured the moment Vicky White broke the murderer out of jail in broad daylight.
WAFF 48/Lauderdale Sheriff's Office

The Marshals Service has since labelled Ms White a 'wanted fugitive', with Sheriff Rick Singleton claiming: “Knowing the inmate, I think she’s in danger, whatever the circumstance. He was in jail for capital murder, and he had nothing to lose.” 

First arrested back in 2015 following a violent crime spree, White was serving a 75-year sentence for attempted murder and was set to also have an upcoming trial for killing 58-year-old Connie Ridgeway, which he confessed to, The Guardian reports. He faces execution if convicted.

White has been described as a 'dangerous monster' who promised to kill his ex-girlfriend if he ever got out, with a police report claiming: "He wanted to kill her and have the police kill him, and that his only regret was that neither was successful.

"He stated that if he was released he would kill the victim.”

Casey White, a convicted murderer, has been described as a 'dangerous monster'.
Lauerdale Sheriff's Office

Meanwhile, another woman who White allegedly tried to kill during a burglary said she is 'freaking out' after discovering he is on the loose.

The unnamed woman told local news that she and her family are currently in hiding, fearful that White will track them down.

She also said she has a message for Ms White: "If she is still alive, get the hell out. Run. Run as far as you can, and turn yourself in, and contact somebody.

"Like, do the right thing before you lose your life or somebody else does."

Anyone with information on the Whites’ location is urged to contact urged to contact law enforcement. You can call the USMS Communications Center at 1-800-336-0102. Anonymous tips may also be submitted via the U.S. Marshals Tip App.

Featured Image Credit: Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office

Topics: Crime, True crime