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Prince Harry Opens Up On 'Fears For His Family' Over Removal Of Protection

Prince Harry Opens Up On 'Fears For His Family' Over Removal Of Protection

Prince Harry has started court proceedings to request protection for his family while in the UK

Prince Harry has said that he doesn't feel safe in the UK following the removal of his police protection.

The decision to remove his police protection was taken after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex quit their positions as senior, working members of the royal family in early 2020.

The pair then moved to the US, where they now pay privately for the protection of themselves and their children, Archie and Lilibet.

However, Prince Harry is bringing a claim to court over Home Secretary Priti Patel's decision not to let the prince pay for his family's police protection upon their return to the UK.

Prince Harry (Alamy)
Prince Harry (Alamy)

Prince Harry had asked to be able to pay for police protection in the UK, as his private protection in the US do not have access to the intelligence needed to keep he and his family safe in the UK.

This request was dismissed by the Home Office, and Prince Harry subsequently brought a claim over the decision, as per the Independent.

A preliminary hearing for the case took place at the Royal Courts of London of Friday, 18 February.

Prince Harry didn't attend but his lawyer, Shaheed Fatima QC, spoke on his behalf.

She said, 'The claimant does not feel safe when he is in the UK given the security arrangements applied to him in June 2021 and [which] will continue to be applied to him.'

Prince Harry (Alamy)
Prince Harry (Alamy)

Fatima then added, 'He does want to come back to see family and friends and to continue to support the charities that are so close to his heart. Most of all, this is and always will be his home.'

Prince Harry did return to the UK last year but only for brief periods, and without his wife or children.

He first returned for Prince Philip's funeral in April 2021, and was given special police protection as the event was considered a potential target for terrorists.

The prince then returned on July 1 for the unveiling of a statue honouring his mother, Princess Diana, at Kensington Palace.

The day before this, the prince is said to have met seriously-ill children at a WellChild event in Kew Gardens.

Prince Harry and Meghan (Alamy)
Prince Harry and Meghan (Alamy)

It has been reported that the prince's car was chased by photographers as he left.

Prince Harry's request for police protection in the UK, which he would pay for, rather than the taxpayer, is not unreasonable.

The Duke said that has previously said that he 'inherited' a security risk on being born into the royal family.

In addition, the Sussexes have been targeted by numerous far-right groups as well as the press over the course of their marriage.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Royal Family, UK News, US News