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Donald Trump says he has a better body than Joe Biden after seeing pictures of the President shirtless

Donald Trump says he has a better body than Joe Biden after seeing pictures of the President shirtless

The ex-Commander in Chief says he would easily beat his successor in a fight.

Donald Trump claims he has a ‘much better body’ than President Joe Biden after seeing shirtless pictures of him on the beach.

The Republican is currently on his 2024 presidential campaign trail.

According to Business Insider, while speaking at a rally in Waterloo, Iowa, the former President mocked Biden’s appearance, adding he could win against him in a fight.

It’s giving Elon Musk versus Mark Zuckerberg.

"He's got a consultant somewhere — this is the worst consultant in politics — that thinks he looks good in a bathing suit, right? He spends so much time at the beach. I mean, how do you do that?" Trump told the crowd.

"And, you know, I have a much better body than him. But I'm not really sure that I want to expose it, with the sun glaring down and the sand, the surf, the wind you know. I mean, you know, it's not a pretty sight."

Oh yes, the glaring sun and sand prevent you from hiding your sick rig.

Trump then proceeded to bring up a comment that the President made in 2018, claiming that if the two went to high school together, he would take Trump ‘behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’

"I think I could go like this," Trump said before blowing air out of his mouth, ‘and he'd go down.’

Last month, the former President also took aim at Biden’s physical and cognitive health.

Samuel Corum/Getty Images

During an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, when asked if he believed Biden would be the Democratic nominee, Trump said: “Look, anything’s possible, but when I watch, his body is shot, and his mind is worse.”

He continued: “And yet, he seems to want to do it. And I hope he does it. But he seems to want to do it. But you take a look at him, and he’s not running government. People that are surrounding him, who are very smart fascists and communists, those are the people running our country.”

It seems that voters are concerned with Biden’s age as well, as a poll conducted between August 24 - 30 found that 73 per cent of registered voters believe that Biden ‘is too old to run for President’.

But Trump shouldn’t be celebrating anytime soon, as 47 per cent of respondents said the same thing about him.

Despite the verdict, Trump continues to emerge as a clear frontrunner for the 2024 GOP primary.

Featured Image Credit: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Topics: News, Politics, Joe Biden, Donald Trump