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Woman 'immediately rushed to hospital' after making 'horrifying' discovery inside Panda Express order

Woman 'immediately rushed to hospital' after making 'horrifying' discovery inside Panda Express order

A woman has launched a lawsuit against Panda Express after an incident with her food resulted in a hospital trip

A woman believes she could have died after a terrible experience after ordering from Panda Express.

Ordering fast food is normally considered quite a cheeky treat but one Kent, Washington woman believes it could have cost her or her children their life.

Miriam Yocupicio has launched a lawsuit against Panda Express after an alleged incident with her food.

Yocupicio ended up being rushed to hospital after taking a few bites of her regular fast food order from a Panda Express restaurant in The Landing in Renton, Washington.

Speaking to local media she said: "I tried to swallow, but when I swallowed, I felt it, and I got really bad ear pain. I rushed myself to the hospital."

She believes she had swallowed a sharp metal wire that was part of a bristle from a grill brush.

A Panda Express spokesperson has commented on the alleged incident.

“The health and safety of our guests is always our top priority, and we are committed to the highest standards of operations,' they said to the Daily Mail.

“We are saddened to hear about this incident and are investigating further to fully understand the events that took place. All brushes used to clean our cooking surfaces are made of natural fibers.”

Miriam Yocupicio has launched a lawsuit against Panda Express after an alleged incident with her food. (Fox 13 Seattle)
Miriam Yocupicio has launched a lawsuit against Panda Express after an alleged incident with her food. (Fox 13 Seattle)

“As this is an active legal matter, we are not at liberty to comment further on the case at this time.”

When Yocupicio rushed herself to the hospital she hoped to find the cause of the problem and an X-ray confirmed that there was an object lodged in her throat.

Attempts to remove the 2 inch wire were initially unsuccessful and after more than 10 hour wait a specialist was able to remove the wire, alleviating her breathing issues.

“I try to stay with my mouth wide open, just so air could flow because I thought if I close my mouth and I can't breathe. Or if I swallow then I'm gonna get that one that sticks down my throat,” Yocuipicio said.

Attempts to remove the wire were initially unsuccessful and after more than 10 hour wait a specialist was able to remove it. (Fox 13 Seattle)
Attempts to remove the wire were initially unsuccessful and after more than 10 hour wait a specialist was able to remove it. (Fox 13 Seattle)

“The doctor right away gave me… said, ‘Do want to see what was in your throat?’ I’m like (nodding) and he gave me the wire, the piece of wire. It could've killed one of my kids.”

The mother of four and her California-based attorney Roseann Torress will be arguing negligence on the part of the restaurant and seeking restitution.

“This should never have happened, and it should never happen again... and going forward,” Torress told Fox 13 Seattle.

“In order to get Panda Corporation's attention we have asked for damages in our complaint that are punitive.”

Featured Image Credit: KIRO 7 News, Michael Siluk/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Topics: Food and Drink, US News