A man says his house was hit and completely destroyed by a meteorite which fell from the sky and killed one of his dogs.
Dustin Procita was home in California with his two dogs when he heard something crash into it and set it ablaze, eventually rendering it completely destroyed.
He said: "Heard a big bang, I started to smell smoke and I went onto my porch, it was completely engulfed in flames.
"They said it was a meteor, I always watched meteor showers as a kid but I definitely didn't look forward to them landing in my yard or through my roof."
"I did not see what it was, but from everybody I talked to, was a flaming ball falling from the sky, landed in that general area."
The house is completely gone thanks to the damage caused by the meteor strike, while one of Dustin and his wife's family dogs, Tug, also died as the poor pooch got trapped inside the wreckage and didn't make it out.

A family member has set up a GoFundMe for the couple to try and raise some money as they've lost everything in the fire.
Depending on which expert you consult the odds of being hit by a meteorite vary, though even the most likely estimates are in the 'one in several hundred million chance' range.
Procita joked that he might as well buy a lottery ticket to try and get his life back on track since he'd already had one incredibly implausible disaster strike him.
Every year the Earth is hit by a few thousand meteors, though most of them fall harmlessly into the sea or in a part of the world where there's no people.
Procita has been horribly unlucky for what looks like a meteor to have come crashing down from the sky right onto his house, destroying it in a subsequent blaze.

Luckily for our species, the meteors that hit us are very small and if they do strike something important are more likely to destroy a house rather than wipe out an entire species.
The most famous meteor that hit Earth is the one which wiped out the dinosaurs and killed off about three quarters of life all over the world.
We would all be pretty screwed if something like that was headed our way.
Meanwhile, one scientist has claimed that among the many meteors which have fallen there might be some hidden alien technology squirreled away in there.