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There's a typo on the Lincoln Memorial but you have to look very closely

There's a typo on the Lincoln Memorial but you have to look very closely

The original artist made a serious blunder when the memorial was revealed in 1922.

The engraver who memorialised President Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address in the United States accidentally made a mistake while chiselling, but you have to keep your eyes peeled to see it.

The Lincoln Memorial was built in the form of a neoclassical temple between 1914 and 1922.

If you’ve holidayed in Washington D. C. or played tourist in the town, then you’ve probably stumbled upon the shrine to the 16th President on the National Mall.

Next time you find yourself in the vicinity, be sure to check out the north interior wall of the chamber.

Carved into the limestone is a section of Lincoln’s second inaugural speech - an address which was delivered on March 4, 1865.

According to a post made by the National Mall and Memorial Parks in 2021, the speech 'gives Lincoln’s perspective on his first term and the terrible Civil War that was consuming the nation'.

However, if you look closely, the artist, Ernest C. Bairstow, made a clear typo when spelling out the speech.

On Facebook, the organisation wrote: “It’s ironic then that there’s a flaw in the future.

“The actual word ‘FUTURE’ was originally engraved as ‘EUTURE’.”

The Lincoln Memorial can be found in Washington, D. C.
National Park Services

The post continues to say: “Under the guidance of architect Henry Bacon, artist Ernest C. Bairstow completed the memorial's exterior details such as the states, wreathes, festoons, and eagles, and was also responsible for the lettering of the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural.

“Likely the result of grabbing an "E" stencil instead of an "F," the error can be found about halfway down the first panel.”

However, only eagled-eyed visitors will be able to see the original design flaw, as the 'extra space has since been filled in' to turn ‘EUTURE’ back into ‘FUTURE’.

The National Park Service concluded its informational post by writing: “In a place where iconic memorials can make people seem larger than life, it can be helpful to have a reminder that no one is perfect.”

The chiseller spelled 'FUTURE' wrong.
National Park Services

Following the message, readers have been giving their two cents on whether the mistake is a big deal.

One wrote: “Meh...not a huge deal, I think. We’re all human and make mistakes. And it’s the message that matters, ultimately.”

A second said: “Would love to see more of these little errors, hidden mistakes and factoids for when I visit. Kind of like the Disney hidden Mickeys it gives a fun spin to just seeing the well-known places.”

Another joked: “This gives a new perspective on the phrase, ‘written in stone’.”

Featured Image Credit: Steven Jones / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: US News, News, Washington