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Fans have spotted a key flaw that doesn't fit with time Hogwarts Legacy is set in

Fans have spotted a key flaw that doesn't fit with time Hogwarts Legacy is set in

The open-world role-playing game is set long before Potter’s time

Fans have spotted a key flaw in Hogwarts Legacy that doesn’t fit with the time the game is set in, despite most elements being ‘fitting for the time period’.

The open-world role-playing game is set long before Potter’s time in the 1800s, and allows players to attend classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry while also exploring the likes of Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest.

Of course, many people may not have had a chance to check it out after its release today (10 February) – you know, because of work and such...

But one player has managed to get through several hours already, and hosted an AMA [Ask Me Anything] on Reddit to share their insights to the gameplay.

“I won’t be discussing any story spoilers,” u/HamirTheGOAT wrote.

“But anything you want to know about the game that isn’t a spoiler ask me and I will do my best to answer.”

Naturally, others had a lot of questions about what to expect, from the finer details about picking houses and most commonly used spells through to any ‘large glaring issues’.

The game is out now.
Warner Bros Games

One asked: “How much does the 1800's setting play into the game? I didn't even realize it was an 1800's setting until I read about it a few weeks ago, stylistically the characters look very modern (mostly the hairstyles I suppose). I was lowkey hoping for a post-Potter setting but I'll still pick up the game haha.”

The Reddit user agreed that the hairstyles weren’t exactly appropriate for the 19th Century, but did say most of the design elements seemed suitable.

They replied: “Yeah the hairstyles are modern but that’s about it. Everything else is fitting for the time period.”

The Reddit user said hairstyles aren't massively fitting of the 1800s setting.
Warner Bros Games

Someone else asked if the Redditor had ‘encountered any large glaring issues’, to which they responded: “My only technical issue was the audio for the main character has a weird bug where it plays twice at once for most voicelines. It has like a weird reverb effect. Only for the main character though. Every other character voice lines are completely fine.”

In a reply to another question in the AMA, they also said the combat was ‘better’ than they had expected, saying it’s ‘pretty difficult and you can get overwhelmed pretty easily’, but that it’s also ‘super satisfying when you juggle enemies and get high combo counts’.

They added: “The way they open the world is pretty staggered. You have your basic tutorial. Then arrival to Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and then they really throw you into the full world a few hours in.”

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros Games

Topics: Gaming, Harry Potter