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Cafe under fire for charging customers to use the bathroom

Cafe under fire for charging customers to use the bathroom

A Guatemalan cafe has come under fire for charging a woman to use the bathroom

A Guatemalan cafe has come under fire for charging a woman to use the bathroom. 

Customer Nelsy Cordova took to Twitter yesterday (31 August) to share a photo of her receipt, which featured a charge for ‘occupational space’ - aka her trip to the bathroom.

Replying to the snap, taken in La Esquina Coffee Shop, people were quick to criticise the establishment, with one saying they’d ‘never go there’ after seeing the receipt. 

Another person added: “Wow, [I’m surprised] they didn't charge for air in the restaurant,” while a third quipped: “I’ve been there. I must say it’s so empty, I wonder if it’s because of this.”

However a fourth social media user pointed out: “I sympathise with a restaurant trying to survive the pandemic that takes the space from a guy who comes to eat chips and coke.”

The eatery has since responded to the backlash, with Contexto sharing its statement in a recent article. 

The business said: “We regret the incident that occurred, it was a very serious, involuntary error, which has already been corrected in our system.”

Calling it an ‘isolated error', the statement continued: “[We are] already doing everything possible to contact the affected person to make said refund and compensate the caused damage, which should not have been done, since it is not in accordance with our principles.”

La Esquina Coffee Shop is located in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
Max Herman / Alamy Stock Photo

One of the cafeteria’s staff members, who asked to remain anonymous, explained that customers are made aware of the charges and that many who come in don’t order much.

The employee explained: “This was really a mistake that was made. From the moment the clients enter, they are made aware that the minimum consumption is Q25.00. In addition, our client at no time stated that she disagreed with the amount she had to pay, nor did she do so to us. know.”

They added: “There are students who only enter the place and do not consume anything, that harms us workers in the restaurant and in every way... Sometimes it is full of university students who only come to do tasks, but we do not charge additional fees just because.”

However, the woman issued the receipt insists she was not given notice of the charge.

"We did not spend extra time inside the premises for the payment to be made. The service was poor on the part of the waitresses, since they attended with a bad attitude and a bad face," she said. 

UNILAD has approached La Esquina Coffee Shop for comment.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected] 

Featured Image Credit: Twitter

Topics: Food and Drink, Social Media, Twitter