Citipointe Christian College in Brisbane, Australia, is facing backlash after issuing students' parents with a controversial 'enrolment contract'.
In the contract, the school states that it will not recognise gender identity, only biological sex, and lists homosexuality as 'immoral' and 'destructive to human relationships and society'.
Reportedly, parents must sign the contract before students can be enrolled.

The contract states, 'We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including but not limiting to adultery, fornication, homosexual acts, bisexual acts, bestiality, incest, paedophilia and pornography) is sinful and offensive to God and is destructive to human relationships and society.'
The document goes on to suggest that the school values individual students, while simultaneously denying their identity.
It continues, 'Whilst each student is individually valued and equally encouraged to pursue opportunities in both academic and co-curricular activities, I/we agree that, where distinctions are made between male and female (inclusive of, but not limited to, for example, uniforms, presentation, terminology, use of facilities and amenities, participation in sporting events and accommodation) such distinctions will be applied on the basis of the individual’s biological sex.'

Any failure to agree to the contract will allegedly 'afford Citipointe Christian College the right to exclude a student from the College who no longer adheres to the College’s doctrinal precepts including those as to biological sex'.
Bethany Lau, a former Citipointe student, has since launched a petition asking for the contract to be recalled. It has amassed more than 80,000 signatures, and you can find the petition here.

Lau states, 'Citipointe is using their religious beliefs to openly discriminate against queer and trans students, as well as threatening to take away their education. Sign the petition to show Citipointe that we will not stand for such blatant transphobia and homophobia.'
She told The Courier Mail she wanted to take a stand on behalf of queer and trans children who would be made to feel 'less than human'.
'I hope they feel less alone and they know that there are lots of people on their side and I ultimately hope that Citipointe recalls the amendment to their contract because it is inhumane,' she added.
The petition has received an overwhelming amount of support, with one signatory saying, 'This contract couldn’t say it any clearer - you are not welcome. You are not our neighbour. We will not treat you as we would want to be treated. Anti-kingdom behaviour. Jesus built wells not fences.'
Another added, 'All kids deserve to feel safe at their school. religion isn’t an excuse for hatred,' while another echoed them, commenting, 'A real Christian loves everyone.'
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