People have been left horrified after seeing the process by which hot dogs are made.
It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that making hot dogs is something of a grisly process. There's a reason we even have a whole idiom about 'seeing how the sausage is made'. It's not pretty. Take a look for yourself:
However, while stuffing intestines with mince, herbs, and spices certainly isn't pretty, at least you can actually tell what you're putting in there is meat. The same can't be said of the stuff that goes into hot dogs.
Personally I'm not a fan at all of the wiener hot dogs, there's something about the texture which just screams 'don't eat this'. But, if that's what you like then, well waste not want not.
That's because the meat that goes into the hot dogs is not exactly prime cuts. The industry term is 'trimmings', and it's basically all the bits that are left over once all the other cuts have been taken.

As a friend once jokingly put it: 'a** and lips'.
These 'trimmings' are ground up, and at this point are still not too far gone from what you might expect form mincemeat, albeit not from any particularly prized cut.
The meat is usually a mixture of beef, pork, and chicken.
All this is combined together, and other ingredients are added including food starch, salt, and other flavourings depending on where the hot dogs will be sold.
Water is then added to the mixture, which then turns into something which looks to be the consistency of wet clay. There is also some corn syrup added for sweetness. Because sweetness is just what you want in a hot dog.

This mixture is then piped into the casings in one long string, with a twist making each hot dog. The hot dogs are draped over racks to be cooked. After this, they are trimmed down to each individual sausage, before going through a quality check and then on to be packaged and shipped.
Some viewers were put off by the video.
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One wrote: "Thanks you so much for this because..... NEVER EVER EVER LET ME HAVE A HOT DOG AGAIN"
But despite everything, a lot of people didn't seem all that put off by the video.
One commented: "At least it's still meat. I don't care how disgusting it looks to other people, I find this rather interesting than disgusting. I'll still eat hot dogs after seeing this."
Another said: "I will continue to eat hot dogs, seeing the process makes them all the better."
I wouldn't fancy it myself all the same.
Topics: News, Food and Drink