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Elon Musk insists he's not suicidal and if he dies unexpectedly it wasn't his own doing

Elon Musk insists he's not suicidal and if he dies unexpectedly it wasn't his own doing

The tech billionaire wants the world to know his mental health is perfectly fine at the moment.

Elon Musk has assured his supporters he has good mental health at the moment.

The tech billionaire spoke at a Twitter Space Q&A over the weekend where tens of thousands of people tuned in.

He was asked all sorts of questions and one person quizzed Musk on whether he is suicidal.

According to Business Insider, he replied with an adamant no and added: "I do not have any suicidal thoughts. If I committed suicide, it's not real."

While it might sound like a weird line of questioning, Musk is clearly drawing a line in the sand and indicating he's mentally all good and that if anything were to happen to him it definitely wasn't his doing.

Elon Musk has had an interesting time since taking over at Twitter.
Apex MediaWire/Alamy

it's not the first time Musk has mentioned something similar to this.

Back in May, he tweeted an unprompted message that sparked a lot of concern amongst his followers.

"If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin' ya," the SpaceX founder said on the social media site.

People couldn't work out what he was talking about and it even saw his mother, Maye Musk, tell him off for the scare.

"That's not funny," she said underneath the tweet.

He replied, saying: "Sorry! I will do my best to stay alive."

While he might not be feeling suicidal, he does worry about what other people might do to him.

During the Twitter Space Q&A, Musk admitted he's felt a very real target on his back recently.

The SpaceX founder opened up about threats he’s received and how being in the public eye has made him fear for his safety.

“Frankly the risk of something bad happening to me, or even literally being shot, is quite significant,” he said, according to News Corp.

Elon Musk revealed that his newborn son tragically died in his arms.
Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo

“It’s not that hard to kill somebody if you wanted to, so hopefully they don’t, and fate smiles upon the situation with me and it does not happen.

"There’s definitely some risk there.”

He said the threat to his life is so severe that he won't participate in any 'open-air car parades' anytime soon.

In October, the South African business magnate finally took over the reins at Twitter after months of acquisition.

However, since leading the company, Musk has not been shy of controversy while seemingly making more enemies than a Game of Thrones character.

According to The New York Times, Musk eliminated nearly half of Twitter's workforce within a week of closing that deal, equalling around 3,700 jobs.

The firings occurred across many departments, including the engineering and machine learning units, which contain staff that manage content moderation, and the sales and advertising sectors.

Featured Image Credit: REUTERS/Andrew Kelly. dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo.

Topics: Elon Musk, Mental Health