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Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted on federal charges

Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted on federal charges

He claims it's a 'dark day' for America and insists he is innocent.

Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted on federal charges.

The BBC says he 'faces seven charges including unauthorised retention of classified files'.

The details of the indictment haven't been made public and the US Justice Department isn't commenting on the case.

The ex-Commander in Chief took to his Truth Social account to indicate that the US Justice Department has issued an indictment to his lawyers.

He wrote: "The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 Boxes at the University of Delaware, additional Boxes in Chinatown, D.C., with even more Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is 'secured' by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time."

Trump says he has been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami next Tuesday.

He added: "I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former President of the United States, who received far more votes than any sitting President in the History of our Country, and is currently leading, by far, all Candidates, both Democrat and Republican, in Polls of the 2024 Presidential Election."

He then screamed in all capitals that he is an 'INNOCENT MAN'.

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"This is indeed a DARK DAY for the United States of America," he said.

"We are a Country in serious and rapid Decline, but together we will Make America Great Again!"

Trump has been under investigation over whether he mishandled classified documents after leaving the White House following his defeat at the 2020 US Election.

The Justice Department seized around 13,000 documents from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and roughly 100 were marked as 'classified', according to ABC News.

This is the second time Trump has been indicted.

He was indicted at the end of March over claims he paid off porn star Stormy Daniels.

The indictment follows an investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg that focused on a USD$130,000 payment fixer Michael Cohen made to porn star Daniels shortly before the 2016 US election.

Daniels claims that she had a short brief affair with Trump in 2006.

Cohen, who turned against his former boss and ended up testifying in court against Trump, issued a statement following the jury's decision, as per The Guardian.

"Today’s indictment is not the end of this chapter but rather just the beginning," he said.

“Now that these charges have been filed it is better for the case to let the indictment speak for itself.

"The two things I wish to say at this time are that accountability matters and I stand by my testimony and the evidence I have provided to the district attorney in New York.”

Featured Image Credit: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Donald Trump