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College footballer makes 72-yard touchdown and immediately throws up

College footballer makes 72-yard touchdown and immediately throws up

The Purdue Football player's heroics came at a price

If you've ever wondered what it's like to play American football, well, it turns out that it's bloody hard.

Chris Jefferson plays for Purdue Football in the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision of college football and put in an incredible performance in a recent match for his side. But it came at a cost.

The Boilermakers went up against Penn State last night (1 September), and Jefferson pulled out a 72-yard run, tearing through the opposition's defence to score a touchdown.

Have a look for yourself:

Footage shared on social media shows Jefferson catching the ball and setting off on his heroic jaunt to the other end of the field, dodging tackles and sending the defence tumbling to the floor.

Understandably, he is then mobbed by his teammates, who crowd round him to celebrate with him.

However, things quickly take a turn when Jefferson begins to wretch and is violently sick, spewing on the field.

Making light of the incident after the game, Jefferson wrote on social media: "I been tryna eat too healthy all week."

Jefferson's heroics came at a price.
Fox College Football

Sadly for the star, though, while his skills gave his side the lead in the game, they eventually went on to lose 35-31.

Speaking later, Jefferson said he knew as soon as he threw up that it was going to make the news.

He said: "As soon as I threw up, I started laughing because I already knew I was going to be a meme.

"I was tired. All jokes aside, though, me being tired, we were all gassed. I feel like that's why we gave up that last touchdown."

But while this might be a pretty strange thing to see at a football match, it's not the most peculiar sight in recent times.

Last year, college fans came to the rescue when a cat fell from a stand.

Incredible footage from Miami's game against Appalachian State showed the feline holding on for dear life from the upper deck railing of the Hard Rock Stadium.

Somehow, the poor animal had got itself stuck up there and caught the attention of spectators. It only got worse, as the cat ended up dangling by its paws.

In footage shared to Twitter, it appears its paw gets caught on a wire. Fans are audibly panicked – but down below, people were equipped and ready with an American flag. Sure enough, as it inevitably plummeted to the ground, they managed to catch the cat and break its fall.

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Featured Image Credit: Fox College Football

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