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Man Lived With His Wife’s Dead Body For 21 Years

Man Lived With His Wife’s Dead Body For 21 Years

A man has finally decided to let go after living with the body of his late wife for 21 years.

A man has finally decided to let go after living with the body of his late wife for 21 years.

On Saturday (30 April), it was discovered that 72-year-old Charn Janwatchakal, lived alone with his wife's body for over two decades.

The former Royal Thai army medic has since been dubbed the man with 'eternal love' or 'endless love man'.

Phet Kasem Bangkok Foundation/ Facebook

On Monday, 2 May, Charn - who graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Chulalongkorn University and completed a traditional medicine course as well as a law degree - was visited by lawyer Nitithorn Kaewto.

Kaewto found the man living alone on a 780 square metre plot in Soi Raminthra Three in Tha Reng sub-district in Bangkok's Bang Khen district in a small one-floor concrete house with no doors or windows.

Since his wife died, Charn told the lawyer how he had been living without electricity.

The 72-year-old said he has shared water with his neighbour.

He previously lived with his two sons, however they left because they disagreed with Charn keeping their mother's body in the house.

It was only discovered that Charn had been keeping his wife in a coffin in the same room he sleeps in when he went to Phet Kasem Bangkok Foundation on 29 April to ask how he could have her body cremated.

Before then, an executive of the foundation had believed he lived alone, after she had spent two months visiting him with food and drink following a motorcycle accident he had.

Charn admitted he talked to his wife's coffin as if she was still alive.

However, out of fear of him dying and her not being given a proper ceremony, he finally decided to cremate her.

Janwatchakal finally decided to cremate his wife.
สถิตย์ วงษ์ทอง/ Facebook

In a video posted to Facebook, Charn can be heard reassuring his late wife she will return to the house soon as the coffin goes off to be cremated.

He said: [Translation] "Mum, you are just going for a brief business and you’ll be back home again.

"It won’t be long, I promise."

Charn's wife's ashes have since been returned to the house.

The 72-year-old's home has also been seen to by the foundation's staff. It now has wired electricity, the roof has been fixed and he has a new mattress, pillow and blanket.

Despite holding onto her body for so long, Charn did register his wife's death - recorded as 2001 - and so isn't liable for a charge of concealing a body.

Janwatchakal registered his wife's death despite holding on to her body, so he won't be liable for any charges.
สถิตย์ วงษ์ทอง / Facebook

Charn and his wife - a Public Health Ministry official - had been set to build a bigger house, but after they made the first payment the contractor abandoned them.

To help the 72-year-old restart the build, lawyer Kaewto bought him some gypsum boards.

Foundation staff have agreed to visit Charn daily as he's allowed them to store the organisation's rescue boats in his compound.

Charn has also vowed to dedicate his time to volunteering for the foundation in honour of his late wife.

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677 

Featured Image Credit: Phet Kasem Bangkok Foundation/Facebook

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