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CCTV Shows Incredible Moment Man Jumps Through The Window Of A Moving Car To Stop It Crashing

CCTV Shows Incredible Moment Man Jumps Through The Window Of A Moving Car To Stop It Crashing

The amazing moment a man dives through the window of a runaway car to stop it has been caught on CCTV.

CCTV has captured the incredible moment a man jumped through the window of a moving car to stop it crashing.

At first all seems normal in the footage, as people walk along the street going about their day. Seconds later, however, two men urgently rush into view in a panic – and the reason for their worry soon reveals itself.

A car with nobody behind the wheel is rolling down a hill towards a T-junction and is on a collision course with somebody's house.

Check it out:

The two men rush towards the moving car, with one able to jump through the window and reach the handbrake before disaster occurs.

With his legs still sticking out of the window the man is able to bring the car to a halt and save it from a nasty crash. Fortunately there were no other cars to hit at the junction and everyone visible on the CCTV footage appears to be unharmed.

The video was posted to Reddit's r/BeAmazed group and people have expressed their admiration for the quick-thinking man who managed to prevent a crash.

One person wrote, "Not gonna lie... dudes a bad ass," while another who claimed to have their own experience of chasing down a runaway car said bringing the vehicle to a halt would have been 'far harder than it looks'.

Others suggested the man himself might be to blame for the near accident, with several people wondering whether the man who stopped the car from crashing might be the owner since he is shown coming from the same direction as the vehicle.

Someone else suggested it was 'definitely worth the risk' to stop the car if he'd have to pay for any damage it caused.

A man was able to jump into the car and stop it from crashing. (

Yet more were simply relieved that disaster had been averted, especially as a crash with the man inside the car would have been even more dangerous.

One was worried they might see another car appear out of nowhere and T-bone the vehicle after it had been brought to a stop, while another fretted about the possibility that the man wouldn't have been able to find the handbrake quickly enough.

While the future of motoring might involve driverless cars, for now it seems as though the safest thing to do is always remember to apply your handbrake if you've parked on a hill, because leaving a window open so someone can dive in and stop your car if it starts sliding down is dramatic but dangerous.

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Featured Image Credit: Reddit/u/solateor

Topics: Cars