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Police issue warning after thief used chillingly simple technique to steal Christmas presents

Police issue warning after thief used chillingly simple technique to steal Christmas presents

A brazen thief took a quick opportunity to steal from a woman's car after she had been Christmas shopping with her daughter

A woman who had some of her Christmas shopping stolen has spoken about the frustration after learning the thief smiled at her moments before committing the crime.

While Christmas is a time of cheer, joy and good spirit for many, unfortunately some people use the festive period as an ample opportunity for criminal behavior.

Camila Rodríguez, of Coconut Grove, Miami, spoke to local media about a recent incident and her surprise at catching a Christmas thief on camera in the middle of the act.

Rodríguez said the thief struck on Saturday (November 25) in a shopping center parking lot off U.S. 1 and Southwest 32nd Avenue.

She said the thief was caught on her Tesla camera unloading her Christmas shopping from her car boot and placing them in a Home Depot cart and walking off with it all.

She said he was able to get into her car due to an easily exploited feature on her Tesla car.

“I saw him smiling and I thought what a nice guy,” she said recalling seeing the alleged thief moments before they opened her car boot.

“I was just very hurt and surprised,” she added.

A thief was caught on a Tesla camera showing him going into a boot and taking someone else's Christmas shopping.

“[Me and my daughter] went to different stores and ran into Home Depot just to get Christmas lights. [The thief] went and got a Home Depot cart and loaded it up with all the other stuff.

“When I opened the trunk, surprisingly all of my shopping bags were gone. He looked just like any other person, smiling and now taking Christmas decorations.”

Her car automatically locks its doors once the driver is about 10 feet away, meaning the thief was able to open her boot in the brief few seconds it took her to walk away from her vehicle.

Police have warned against car owners relying on this feature rather than manually locking their vehicle.

Officer Kiara Delva of the Miami Police said: “Just to be sure to try to manually lock your vehicles, secure vehicles before you walk away from the vehicle.

Camila Rodríguez said she was shocked to find the man who smiled at her stole from her vehicle.
Local 10

“Check each door to ensure that it is properly secured. Please be very vigilant and very careful of your surroundings as well.”

The thief caught on camera is also seen wiping away his prints with a rag before walking off with the basket full of presents.

Rodríguez closed by saying: "I think it’s important to identify this person, not because I want to do like a witch hunt or anything, but because I think it’s really important that he doesn’t do this to other people.

"That it doesn’t go unpunished."

Featured Image Credit: Local10

Topics: US News, Crime, Christmas