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102-year-old woman got arrested to fulfil her lifelong dream

102-year-old woman got arrested to fulfil her lifelong dream

The elderly woman even got to put on some handcuffs

Go skydiving, climb a mountain and learn to cook - these are all pretty common bucket list items, but one 102-year-old thought outside the box - and the law - when she came up with her wish to get arrested.

It's unclear whether pensioner Edie Simms ever really broke the law throughout the century she spent on Earth, but if she did, she evidently never got caught.

That's why, at the age of 102, she handed herself over to police officers from St. Louis, and allowed herself to be handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.

It's a chain of events some people dread, but for Edie it allowed her to tick 'be arrested' off her bucket list once and for all.

She took a ride in the police cruiser in late September 2016 while going to deliver some handmade items to the Five Star Senior Center in St Louis.

The elderly woman regularly delivered items including scarves, glasses cases and potholders to other seniors living at the senior centre, so Sgt. John McLaughlin said the officers were happy to lend a helping hand - and some handcuffs.

Michael Howard, a worker at the center, told CNN affiliate KPLR: “She was so excited that she can ride in a police car and she said, ‘Do you think you could put those handcuffs on me?’

“A St. Louis County car pulled up next to the police and Edie holds up her hands with the handcuffs on. She’s just a riot."

Edie was driven to a senior center in a police car.
WSPA 7 News

Howard added: “I’ve dealt with this program for almost 37 years now and the character of some of our seniors is just amazing. Here we have a senior helping other seniors and it doesn’t get any better than that for me.”

McLaughlin said the force was 'more than happy to do these types of things', adding: "We love it and we get more out of it than the seniors do.”

Simms was over the moon at being able to enjoy her arrest and offered up some inspirational comments for those reading her story, saying: "Keep going, don’t ever stop whatever it is you’re doing and spend some time doing community service because sometimes the person you reach out and touch, is the only person that they will talk to in a day.

"It's a great world if you just open your eyes and look at it," she added.

Featured Image Credit: WSPA 7News

Topics: Crime, US News