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People Stunned By What A £1 Million House Looks Like Nowadays

People Stunned By What A £1 Million House Looks Like Nowadays

This is shocking

People are stunned by what a £1 million house in the UK looks like nowadays.

When you imagine an £100,000 home, it might conjure up thoughts of a large detached mansion with seven bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, a private gate, and maybe even a swimming pool.

But when it comes to London, it might come as a surprise to learn what’s actually available at that price are a series of three-bedroom, one-bathroom terraced houses. 

One Twitter user took to the social media platform to share her shock at the current housing market, having penned: “This is what a £1,000,000 (1 million pounds) house is just so we’re all up to date.”

“For context, you’d need to be earning £200,000 a year to even think about getting a mortgage on this,” she claimed.

But for the woman, the real winner of 'What The F**k Is Going On Awards 2022' is a £1 million three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in South Woodford.

“What's even worse is the Woodford one is former social housing,” someone else commented. “How has someone been allowed to trouser a million from social housing?”

Another wrote: “Blows my mind that anyone could be a***d living in London with these prices. Grafting a 'high-end' job to live somewhere like that. Nothing wrong with it, but a million quid?

“The people I feel sorry for are those born and bred in the area, who will never be able to afford a home in the place they consider to be home. Dire state of affairs,” they continued.

“Mind-boggling prices for parts of Hackney where it would’ve cost up to 300k pre 2013,” someone else noted.

“Growing up I'd always imagined that amount of money would get me a mansion with a pool and a private drive. How wrong I was,” a different person wrote.

Someone else shared pictures of similar two-bedroom, one-bathroom homes in Alford, Lincolnshire, where the homes are valued at between £120,000-140,000 instead of the hefty £1 million price tag.

And to make matters even more shocking, one Twitter user shared a £1 million property in Preston, Lancashire, which certainly looked a bit more worth the price tag with 15 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms.

“It’s shocking! These are the places similar to where I live which is a lovely area! It’s mind-blowing to me how they can get figures like that!”

And hopeful homeowners aren’t wrong about the issue of house prices as Rightmove suggests that there has been a 9.7 percent increase year on year on the average house price, being the fifth consecutive month this June that prices have reached a record high.

However, research from Capital Economics suggests that prices will fall by 5 percent over the next two years, as the Bank of England continues to increase the base rate of interest in order to fight against rising inflation.

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Featured Image Credit: Kings Group

Topics: Shopping, Social Media, Money