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Whoopi Goldberg apologizes for using a slur on The View

Whoopi Goldberg apologizes for using a slur on The View

She has put her foot in it yet again and people are not impressed.

Whoopi Goldberg has found herself in a bit of hot water recently after she used an offensive term for the Romani people during an episode of The View.

While chatting about former President Donald Trump, the actor turned talk show host claimed his supporters feel he got 'gypped' back in 2020 in the election.

Perhaps unbeknownst to Goldberg, the term 'gypped', which means 'to rip someone off', is likely derived from the word 'gypsy', Merriam-Webster explains, which is an offensive slur used to describe the nomadic Romani people.

And, as a result, people on social media clapped the hell back at Goldberg's use of the term.

One user said: "Whoopi Goldberg’s apology is warranted. Although unique, Gypsies are a real class of people with their own unique struggles. They are most often stereotyped by uninformed pretentious entitled elitists people like Whoopi Goldberg, and it shows."

A second added: "I don't know how many more 'slip ups' need to be done by Whoopi before the ABC Network takes a stand. Not even sure why the The View is still around with the crap they've said and done. Guessing they condone it to allow it to continue."

The View's official Twitter account posted an apology video shortly after the episode aired to address those lashing out at the host.

Goldberg said: "You know, when you're a certain age, you use words that you know from when you're a kid or you remember saying, and that's what I did today and I shouldn't have."

The 67-year-old actor added: "I should have thought about it a little longer before I said it, but I didn't, and I should have said 'cheated' and I used another word. And I'm really, really sorry."

As she apologised, she appeared to be trying not to smile.

As a result, her apology was also been slammed.

One user said: "Don’t believe her. She’s lying yet again. She meant exactly what she said."

Another added: "Oops, I did it again."

Meanwhile other social media users commented they were unaware 'gypped', or the misspelt version 'jipped', was an offensive term.

University of Texas at Austin professor Ian Hancock, who was born in Britain to Romani parents, explained to NPR how the term feels to those with Romani heritage back in 2013.

"I encounter a lot of people who tell me that they never knew the word 'gypped' had anything to do with gypsies, or that it's offensive — especially when the word is heard not read," he said.

"My response to them is, 'That's okay. You didn't know but now you do. So stop using it. It may mean nothing to you, but when we hear it, it still hurts.'"

So, there you go.

Take note, baby boomers kicking off on social media about the 'woke' world gone mad: likening the Romani people to thieves, fraudsters, and cheats is no longer acceptable.

Don't complain about your feelings being hurt over 'wokeness', when you're more than willing to hurt theirs.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/The View. ABC

Topics: Film and TV, Whoopi Goldberg, Racism