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Here's What's Happening With Elliot Page's Character As Umbrella Academy Season 3 Drops Tomorrow

Here's What's Happening With Elliot Page's Character As Umbrella Academy Season 3 Drops Tomorrow

Not long to wait, folks!

With just one more sleep before The Umbrella Academy season three drops, there's a lot to be excited about – including what's in store for Elliot Page's character.

The 35-year-old star announced he's trans back in December 2020, garnering praise and support from colleagues and fans alike.

With Netflix's hit superhero series set to continue its story beyond season two, viewers were left wondering about Elliot's role moving forward.

But in March this year, the actor confirmed the fantastic news that his character will be coming out in the third season, changing his name from Vanya to Viktor and using he/him/his pronouns.

Sharing an official photo of Viktor on Twitter at the time, Elliot wrote: "Meet Viktor Hargreeves."

Netflix also said on its main account, "Welcome to the family, Viktor - we’re so happy you’re here," with its LGBTQ+ page adding: "FEELS SO GOOD TO SAY THIS: Elliot Page stars as Viktor Hargreeves in Umbrella Academy S3!!!"

As for how the series will deliver the Viktor's coming out story, UNILAD were lucky enough to catch an early glimpse of the episode – and while we can't divulge any details, we're going to hazard a guess that the fans will love it.

In a recent interview with Esquire, the Juno star explained why he loves working on The Umbrella Academy, having starred as one of the central superheroes in the show since season one dropped in 2019.

"I’ve learned how special it is to play one character for so long, to evolve with a family of characters," he said.

"All of us have gone through a lot. Years have gone by, and we’ve changed and grown in our own ways.

"I love watching the growth happen alongside the show, our personalities interweaving and all of us having our own moments. I’m just learning to love the whole journey of it."

Elliot also said that the biggest joy about transitioning is being able to truly see himself for the first time.

"I know I look different to others, but to me I’m just starting to look like myself. It’s indescribable, because I’m just like, there I am. And thank God. Here I am," he said.

"So the greatest joy is just being able to feel present, literally, just to be present. To go out in a group of new people and be able to engage in a way where I didn’t feel this constant sensation to flee from my body, this never-ending sensation of anxiety and nervousness and wanting out."

Beyond Elliot's coming out story, the plot is set to throw the OG Hargreeves kids into disarray as they're thrust into a new reality where their adoptive dad has taken on a set of new (and potentially better) group of kids – enter the Sparrow Academy.

The Sparrow Academy are here to shake things up in season three.

And if that weren't exciting enough, you've literally only got hours to wait until the new episodes drop. Popcorn at the ready!

Season three of The Umbrella Academy hits Netflix on 22 June.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]  

Featured Image Credit: Alamy/Netflix

Topics: The Umbrella Academy, Netflix, Elliot Page, LGBTQ, Film and TV