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People convinced The Simpsons predicted missing Titanic sub scenario in 2006 episode

People convinced The Simpsons predicted missing Titanic sub scenario in 2006 episode

The episode originally aired in 2006, with The Simpsons seemingly predicting the missing OceanGate sub.

The Simpsons has seemingly made some eerie ‘predictions’, with fans now suggesting the beloved cartoon foreshadowed the missing Titan sub.

Initially losing contact on Sunday morning, the OceanGate sub had been exploring the Titanic shipwreck with five people on board.

With the ship still unaccounted for, search teams are desperately trying to find the vessel – which only has a few hours of air supply left.

In an uncanny coincidence, The Simpsons having an episode with a similar storyline with an incredible amount of parallels to the disaster.

Originally airing as part of the cartoon’s 17th season, it see Homer Simpson undertake an intrepid adventure as he tries to uncover the sunken treasure ship, the Piso Mojado.

Not only is the TV character searching for a wreck at the bottom of the ocean, similar to the ill-fated Titanic, the family patriarch is shown in a submersible similar to the missing OceanGate vessel.

He is joined by a man whom he believes is his biological father named Mason Fairbanks – with the pair eventually becoming separated.

It’s eerily similar to two of the passengers on the Titan sub, father and son Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood.

Though Homer eventually survives the ordeal in the cartoon and awakes in the hospital not long after, the pair are still missing along with three other men.

The Simpsons episode has a number of eerie similarities to real life events.

Understandably, the 2006 episode has resurfaced on social media with fans claiming The Simpsons predicted the disappearance of the Titan submersible.

After a clip from the show was posted on Twitter, it soon went viral and has been viewed over 52,000 times since it was shared in the early hours of this morning.

One fan noted the many uncanny predictions the show had made over the years, saying that the animation had struck again.

They also reference the missing passengers tweeting: “And there’s a father and son on that “mission”. The Simpsons strikes again.”

Another said that the episode proved that popular conspiracy theory that we live in a computer-generated simulation.

Homer is even seen in a small submarine.

Meanwhile, a third fan more sensibly argued: “They never predicted anything. They just make 800 episodes and luckily got some stuff similar.”

It’s not the first time the Disney animation has seemingly ‘predicted’ the future with other episodes having parallels to real-life events, including: the censorship of Michelangelo's David, Siegfried and Roy’s tiger attack and the horse meat scandal.

Featured Image Credit: Disney

Topics: Titanic, US News, World News, The Simpsons