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She-Hulk's ending is being called best finale in Marvel history

She-Hulk's ending is being called best finale in Marvel history

It completely throws out the Marvel ending rule book to do things its own way

Warning: This article contains spoilers

The ending to the She-Hulk series on Disney+ is being called the best finale in comic book history, thanks to it throwing out the rule book and doing things its own way.

Unlike other MCU series, it doesn’t go down the usual route of pulling out all the CGI effects in an over-the-top battle scene.

Instead, the season finale, which is called Whose Show is This?, breaks down the fourth wall completely to provide a fantastic ending that has delighted fans.

While Jennifer Walters (aka She-Hulk) has been aware that she’s a character in a television show throughout the series, often speaking to the viewer in her funny asides, it has been taken to the extreme in the final episode, which is filled with gems.

Not only is the Hulk’s son, Skaar, introduced but Marvel Studios president, Kevin Feige, also makes an appearance.

In one episode, we see Jen becoming unhappy with how the final episode of her TV show is going. So, what does she do? She escapes through the Disney+ homepage and into the ‘real world’.

We see her have a few brief run-ins with the show’s writers and security guards outside Kevin Feige’s office.

But while we’re expecting to see the Marvel boss in the flesh, we’re instead greeted with a robot called K.E.V.I.N – Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity Nexus- which comes up with all the Marvel storylines.

Not liking the way the show is going, Jen takes matters into her own hands.

Jen then takes the show’s ending into her own hands.

Speaking to, head writer Jessica Gao said: “It's funny because I've seen a lot of online chatter of people speculating that [Marvel Studios president] Kevin Feige is going to make a cameo in the show.

"But I can't imagine this is how they thought that the cameo would happen!”

She added: “I think I probably wrote like, 20 versions of a finale that went all over the place and I started feeling like, ‘Well, this is a Marvel show, I better give them the classic Marvel ending.

“Big villain fight, big finale. But it never felt right because I was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.”

Fans of the show took to social media to share their joy over the ending, with one saying: “I'm never going to get over perfect that ending is to a #SheHulk show.

"Having her go to KEVIN and just say the Marvel formula isn't needed for the show and pitching how it should really end is the funniest thing ever, this is peak TV."

Fans say the She-Hulk finale is the 'best ever'.

“Lmao! What was that finale? Really liked the route they took, something unique. Straight from the comics. Not just some CGI fest," another added.

“Spoilers – Did NOT expect KEVIN and the introduction of Skaar. That had me GAPING. The Fast and Furious ending with Bruce dressing like Dom. Good Stuff,” someone else said.

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Featured Image Credit: Disney+

Topics: Film and TV, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe