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Quentin Tarantino spotted in bizarre Japanese dog speaker commercial

Quentin Tarantino spotted in bizarre Japanese dog speaker commercial

The Kill Bill director starred in the commercial for a Japanese dog speaker

Director Quentin Tarantino has had some hard hitting moments both as a director and actor in his career, but an old commercial that has recently emerged is about to top all of that.

The commercial in Japan stars the director of Kill Bill and Django Unchained and seems to be for a speaker which is shaped like a dog, though it could also be for a phone network service.

Things kick off in someone's living room, with the dog speaker going off and playing ‘Dance of the Knights’ by Sergei Prokofiev (you'll know it when you hear it) to show off the quality of the speaker.

Tarantino appears dressed in a black Hakama and begins throwing martial arts shapes to the surprise of others in the room, including a cute dog.

It also seems like the dog is also having some thoughts on the situation, which are communicated by a voice-over.

However, the phone then goes off and things cut to a blonde woman, who shout at Tarantino down the phone, prompting him to run out of the room.

The whole thing is a bizarre spectacle to watch, with the iconic director's surprise appearance taking things to the next level.

'Uncle Tarantino'.
Softbank/Red Shirt Media

One version of the commercial even added subtitles to it, which you would think might make things a bit clearer. It doesn't.

Tarantino shouts: 'I am uncle Tarantino! HAHA', before the dog chimes in and says 'He's very excited', before Tarantino appears to say 'samurai spirit'.

The mother stands up and says 'please calm down', which he does.

When the phone rings, the woman on the other end of the line, who after asking if it is him, tells him to 'get home right the f*ck now', to which he shouts 'YES' and runs out.

It's certainly among the more interesting appearances on television!

People were, of course, quick to comment on the bizarre commercial, with one person even giving some background on it, saying that it was actually a whole series with a storyline and everything.

Tarantino before he runs from the room.
Softbank/Red Shirt Media

They wrote: "That's just a Softbank 'Otosan' commercial. Softbank is an expensive cell provider (DoCoMo fo' life), and they had a TON of commercials that followed the family of Otosan (the white Shiba), his wife (the older Japanese lady), and their two children (the younger black guy and younger Japanese lady).

"Some of the commercials are way more off-the-wall than that one. Hell, Tommy Lee Jones regularly shows up as an alien."

While we don't know the full context of the commercial, this seems like a pretty cool explanation!

Another wrote: "Just when I think Tarantino can't get any more awesome..."

And a third said simply: "love it!!!"

Featured Image Credit: Softbank

Topics: Celebrity, Quentin Tarantino, US News, World News, Film and TV