Dakota Johnson might have just thrown a spanner in the works for those who may have been hoping for a Madame Web sequel.
Johnson starred as Madame Web in Sony’s latest attempt to create a Spider-Man adjacent universe filled with the webslinger’s friends and foes.
And, well... it’s not really gone well.
Madame Web is known to comic book and 90s animated Spider-Man fans as being a fascinating, near all-knowing mutant who often connects Spider-Man with his alternate universe counterparts.
Yeah, so normal comic book stuff.
But Sony’s venture, showing a younger Madame Web with their own unique storyline has very much been a dud among both fans and critics.
After over 200 reviews it maintains a Tomatometer score of a pitiful 12 percent, on Rotten Tomatoes and an equally poor IMDb score of 3.7/10.
Sure critics and reviews aren’t everything if the film is making money... sort of like Venom, not received that well by critics but still brought in a web-full of money.
Well, Johnson has recently weighed in on the criticism the movie has been getting, admitting that she understands why.
Speaking to Bustle, she complained that films need to focus on being a good piece of art first, rather than being influenced by committees and algorithms.

“It’s so hard to get movies made, and in these big movies that get made — and it’s even starting to happen with the little ones, which is what’s really freaking me out — decisions are being made by committees, and art does not do well when it’s made by committee,” the actor said.
“Films are made by a filmmaker and a team of artists around them. You cannot make art based on numbers and algorithms. My feeling has been for a long time that audiences are extremely smart, and executives have started to believe that they’re not.

“Audiences will always be able to sniff out [BS]. Even if films start to be made with AI, humans aren’t going to f***ing want to see those."
As for whether she's do anything like the flick again, Johnson was pretty clear in her views.
She went on: “But it was definitely an experience for me to make that movie. I had never done anything like it before. I probably will never do anything like it again because I don’t make sense in that world.
“And I know that now. But sometimes in this industry, you sign on to something, and it’s one thing and then as you’re making it, it becomes a completely different thing, and you’re like, Wait, what?”
She closed by adding while it's not great to be part of film that's being slammed everywhere, she does understand why.
Topics: Film and TV, Dakota Johnson