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Arnold Schwarzenegger is documenting his comeback from open-heart surgery after nearly losing his life

Arnold Schwarzenegger is documenting his comeback from open-heart surgery after nearly losing his life

Terminator actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been speaking about his comeback from surgery that nearly lost him his life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is now documenting his comeback from open-heart surgery after nearly losing his life only a few years ago.

There is no questioning that the Terminator actor is one of the most iconic in the whole history of film, one that is loved by many millions across the globe.

So, many fans have become worried in recent years as Schwarzenegger has undergone many heart surgeries.

The biggest scare came in 2018 when Schwarzenegger underwent emergency heart surgery - something that nearly ended tragically.

TMZ reported at the time that the actor was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital for a catheter valve replacement, which was somewhat experimental at the time.

Unfortunately, the Terminator actor developed complications from the surgery, though doctors were prepared in case the catheter valve replacement failed.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has undergone multiple heart surgeries over the years.
YouTube/The Pump

Thankfully, Schwarzenegger fully recovered from the complications and took to Twitter to confirm he was going alright in true Arnie style just days later.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter) in 2018, he wrote: "It’s true: I’m back! I went to sleep expecting to wake up with a small incision and woke up with a big one - but guess what? I woke up, and that’s something to be thankful for. Thank you to the doctors & nurses. And I’m truly filled with gratitude for all of the kind messages."

A representative for Schwarzenegger at the time, Daniel Ketchell, posted a statement on X to announce that a replacement pulmonic valve had been successfully fitted.

Since then, Schwarzenegger hasn't spoken too much about his road to recovery, though he has recently opened up members of his health and fitness group, Arnold's Pump Club.

The legendary actor reflected on when he woke up and doctors told him about the surgery, labelling the whole affair as a 'disaster'.

As part of some Monday motivation, Arnie told fans that he had to 'shift gears' to get out of the hospital for starters.

Arnie has documented his recovery.
YouTube/The Pump

He spoke about taking small steps (literally) to walk around the hospital, before welcoming a few friends to his bedside to 'fire him up'.

Just three months after that surgery, Schwarzenegger began with Terminator 6, so he was back on the training regime in shorty remarkable time.

As to how exactly he did it, Arnie explained: "I had a positive attitude. I knew exactly how I was going to get there. And a support system, as none of this we can do by ourselves."

Truly remarkable, Arnie!

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/The Pump

Topics: Film and TV, Celebrity, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Health