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Netflix investigates ‘jaw-dropping’ story of the 'most hated man on the internet'

Netflix investigates ‘jaw-dropping’ story of the 'most hated man on the internet'

People are saying you should watch it 'to understand the downfall of our society'

Warning: This article contains themes of a graphic, sexual and sensitive nature which some readers may find distressing

People can't get over Netflix's investigation into 'the most hated man on the internet'.

While you may've thought the most hated man on the internet is Andrew Tate, there's another contestant in the running for the title who Netflix focused on in a three-part docuseries back in 2022. Catch the trailer here:

The synopsis for Netflix's docuseries - literally titled The Most Hated Man on the Internet - reads: "Determined to remove her daughter's photos from a revenge porn website, a persistent mother launches an online crusade to shut down its cruel founder."

The documentary focuses on Hunter Edward Moore who was first branded 'the most hated man on the internet' by Rolling Stone.

Why? Well, because in 2010 he set up a website called Is Anyone Up? which acted as a revenge porn site for users to share sensitive and sexually explicit images or videos of others without their consent.

Oh and the images and videos also sometimes detailed the victim's full name too, tagged their social media profiles or even revealed their address.

Hunter Moore set up the website 'Is Anyone Up?'
Instagram/ @iamhuntermoore

When anyone did come to Moore to ask for photographs or videos to be removed, he would refuse and his website was up for a whopping 16 months before it was taken down.

And it was only taken down as a result of the efforts of Charlotte Laws, the mother of a victim of Moore's website, who launched her own investigation into him, going to other victims and compiling evidence.

By 2012, Laws handed over the evidence to the FBI who eventually found proof he'd paid someone to hack into victims' emails and social media profiles to steal more photographs and content to share on Is Anyone Up?

In February 2015, Moore pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft and aiding and abetting in the unauthorized access of a computer and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison and three years supervised release. Moore was released in May 2017.

The series may've been released in 2022, but many are only just discovering it and the story of Moore's website, now flooding to social media to weigh in on the watch.

The website stayed up for a whopping 16 months before it was taken down.

Taking to X, people have been left horrified by Moore's actions.

One user said: "'The most hated man on the internet' on Netflix. It’s worth a watch I think my mouth was jaw dropped the whole time."

"'The most hated man on the internet’ on Netflix. The fact this guy had legions of people who worshipped and followed him is even scarier than the fact he exists," another added.

A third commented: "Go watch The Most Hated Man On The Internet on Netflix if you want to understand the downfall of our society. That happened, was allowed to happen and still no laws against it. If Hunter didn’t pay a hacker he’d still be in business."

"Has anyone seen the Netflix documentary The Most Hated Man on the Internet. Wow! What a horrible person. Unbelievable. And don't ever mess with Anonymous. Holy shit! Just wow!" A fourth added.

And a final resolved: "Netflix has a documentary called The Most Hated Man on the Internet and what I want to know is how they narrowed it down to just one."

The Most Hated Man on the Internet is available to stream on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, Entertainment, Film and TV, Social Media, Sex and Relationships