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The five best films on Netflix according to Rotten Tomatoes

The five best films on Netflix according to Rotten Tomatoes

The flicks - available to stream on Netflix - have been complied by Rotten Tomatoes, but do you agree?

When looking for the best film on Netflix to watch, we all find ourselves checking Rotten Tomatoes from time to time.

When given the seemingly endless choice available on Netflix – we all want to make sure we are watching the best films possible and will use whatever we can.

Now, they may not be perfect (if anyone can ever explain to me why The Mummy has 62 percent, I’ll be shocked), but Rotten Tomatoes scores are as good a way as any.

Recently, the review aggregator held a vote among various verified critics and fans to find the ‘Best 300 Films of All Time’.

While I for one am appalled The Mummy has again been snubbed, the list is a great combination of not just lofty critics – but of genuine fans and film-lovers.

So, to help you decide your newest watch for this weekend, we’ve taken the top five films from the list that are on Netflix in the United States.

LA Confidential

The flick came out on top. (Warner Bros.)
The flick came out on top. (Warner Bros.)

The number one film on the entire list was a controversial and surprising choice when the list was released, but it is a film with a 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and 8.3 on IMDb.

LA Confidential sees three homicide detectives in, you guessed it: Los Angeles, stumbling upon corruption in the force as they investigate murders.

The film has a stacked cast that includes a young Russell Crowe, Danny Devito, and Kim Basinger – who won an Oscar for her role.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

While it’s a surprise Netflix has this Marvel film, it’s not a surprise that it features on the list.

One of the best films of the last ten years, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse comes into Rotten Tomatoes’ list at 81.

Yet another film with a near perfect score at 95 percent, the film is always worth a watch – with the third in the series expected sometime next year.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

(Madman Entertainment)
(Madman Entertainment)

Before Taika Waititi was a director with a 50/50 ratio of good films to mediocre, the Kiwi director was banging out classic after classic back in New Zealand.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is one of those classics, and arguably one of the best comedies of the 21st century.

With Jurassic Park's Sam Neill and the hilarious Julian Dennison announcing himself with this role - this film received a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes as well as a spot on their list.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

(Sony Pictures)
(Sony Pictures)

From one classic comedy to another, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is arguably one of the most influential pieces of British comedy in cinema history.

The subversive comedy, alongside their other classic Life of Brian (which just missed out on the top five), is considered one of the greatest comedies of all time.

Silly laughs, iconic jokes, and a score of 96%, a perfect Friday night film.

Marriage Story

Marriage Story. (Netflix)
Marriage Story. (Netflix)

Ironically at number five is the first to have been made by Netflix with Noah Baumbach's Marriage Story.

The film, starring Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver, received six nominations at the Oscars and even won one.

The 2019 movie is a modern classic, with sharp dialogue, witty humour, and tearjerking scenes. It may not be The Mummy, but it's pretty damn good regardless.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Brothers / Madman Entertainment

Topics: Netflix, Rotten Tomatoes, Film and TV, Batman