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Lisa Kudrow Surprised By Son's 'Demeaning' Opinion Of Friends

Lisa Kudrow Surprised By Son's 'Demeaning' Opinion Of Friends

Lisa Kudrow was more than a little surprised at her son's 'demeaning' opinion of Friends.

Lisa Kudrow was more than a little surprised at her son's 'demeaning' opinion of Friends.

Who doesn't love Friends? It's top-tier hangover watching. The show's hilarious, the character's lovable and it makes New York seem like a charming small town.

With such a huge fan base and Netflix resurrection, it's only natural that Kudrow, who played Phoebe on the show, has heard some strange comments about the show, but one 'demeaning' jab from her son took the cake.

Check it out:

Lisa, who plays Phoebe Buffay, told Seth Meyers all about the show's unexpected Netflix revival and her son, Julian Murray Stern's, first opinion of the series.

When asked if she'd found new fans over the years, Lisa said: "Yes, yes. With Friends, it's not shocking. I mean – it was when it was on Netflix and all of a sudden there are all these eight-year-olds that weren't born saying: 'oh my god, are you, Phoebe?'"

To be fair, we would've definitely asked the same at eight, Phoebe's a legend.

Lisa with her son, Julian.

Still, that wasn't the most surprising thing, as Lisa talked more about her son: "He did start watching when his friends at school were watching and you've gotta know what everyone's watching. So he watched it and he was impressed. He goes 'it's actually really funny.' It's like, this little kid."

Sounds like high praise, or a backhanded compliment depending on the tone.

Still, that wasn't the 'demeaning' part, this next bit is because her son, Julian, said: "It's actually really funny and the guys are so funny."

Realising what he'd just said, to his hilarious mother, Julian backtracked saying, 'no, I mean, you're funny too'.

But the damage had been done, with Lisa telling the talk-show host: "Never in my life have I wanted to tell my own kid like 'f*** you.' I mean I thought it."

Lisa laughed at the comment.
Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube

She quickly clarified that she didn't say it to her son, with Seth reassuring her that all parents think that at one point or another, especially if they're slagging off one of your greatest shows.

Still, Lisa adds: "Look, it's not required that you're a fan, you don't have to like what I do, but don't be so demeaning. It's so, wow."

We imagine that Friends might be a somewhat touchy subject in their household now, but to be fair, Julian was still in school at the time, so his taste in TV was still very much developing.

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Featured Image Credit: NBC/Warner Bros.

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV, Friends