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Leonardo DiCaprio set a stuntman on fire during filming for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
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Leonardo DiCaprio set a stuntman on fire during filming for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood

During the filming of Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio set a stuntman on fire.

Leonardo DiCaprio has done a fair bit in his acting career to say the least, from Titanic to The Wolf of Wall Street and the popular 2015 film The Revenant.

But what some film fanatics may not know is that DiCaprio actually once set a stuntman on fire while filming one of his movies.

This came during the filming of 2019's Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, the comedy film where an actual flamethrower was used.

It was a Quentin Tarantino film, so we should have expected some fireworks, but this is probably not what they had in mind.

Accidentally, Mark Wagner, a stuntman on Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, was burnt by the weapon on-set.

Leonardo DiCaprio once set a stuntman on fire.
Allstar Picture Library Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

He did live to tell the story though, so he told Corridor Crew all the information surrounding the incident.

He said: "The first time, because Leo was a little bit nervous with the flamethrower, he was going really fast, so it didn’t light underneath the table.

"So the second time he went too slow, and on that one, he stopped on me and Travis [Fienhage], on our backs, and all I see is orange.

"I’m like, ‘What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening? I’m getting really warm’. And they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, stop stop stop!’ you know, I can hear everybody yelling."

As you'd expect with being on fire, Wagner felt very warm - and when he fell to the ground, he struggled to get back up again.

He continued: "My costume had melted, and I was stuck to the ground and I couldn’t roll over.

"I finally peeled and rolled over, and I just said to the guys, ‘Hey everybody, I’m really hot, get everything off of me right now’.

"And they pulled all my clothes off, minus my underwear."

The incident happened while filming Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.
Album / Alamy Stock Photo

Wagner had a lucky escape as he walked away from what could have been a deadly incident with just a small burn on his arm.

Funnily enough, they had to do another take - preferably with Wagner not getting set on fire this time.

He added: "I was like, ‘Yep, I felt that!’ They’re like, ‘Are you OK to do it one more time?’ I’m like, ‘Yes, we’re doing this again, we gotta get this right!’"

That's some dedication there.

When Once Upon A Time in Hollywood released in 2019, it was met with largely positive reviews with it sitting at an 85 percent critics' score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Featured Image Credit: BFA/Alamy Stock Photo/Sony

Topics: Film and TV, Leonardo DiCaprio