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Doctor Strange Fans Spot Four Mistakes In One Short Clip

Doctor Strange Fans Spot Four Mistakes In One Short Clip

Is anyone else getting déjà vu?

Not long to go until Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness drops in cinemas, and to get us excited, Marvel released a short teaser showing the Sorcerer Supreme in action. 

But while some fans appreciated the action-packed scene, showing Benedict Cumberbatch’s superhero take on the one-eyed monster Gargantos, others pointed out a four-fold mistake. 

At first glance, it seems there’s nothing wrong with the clip - but look a little closer and you might get a spot of déjà vu.

Take a look for yourselves:

As highlighted by a number of eagle-eyed viewers on Twitter, the same man carrying a briefcase runs past Doctor Strange in terror not once, not twice, but four times

Rewatch the video and you’ll see the man 11 seconds into the one-minute clip before he appears again from the front from the 15-second mark. 

The same man carrying a briefcase was spotted running past Doctor Strange four times in the trailer.

They might have gotten away with it if they’d have stopped there, but then he’s shown again scrambling to get away from Gargantos at 19 seconds before popping up a fourth time just a few moments later. 

Hope he got paid extra for those multiple appearances. 

Whether this will be edited out of the movie before it hits screens next week is yet to be seen, but either way you can bet the fandom had something to say about it on social media. 

It's unknown if this assumed editing mistake will make the cut in the movie.

“Same guy with the same suitcase runs by him in every single shot,” wrote one, with another responding: “I thought this was a joke edit at first, but nope.”

“Boy I really hope someone got fired for that blunder,” said a third.

Others, however, were more forgiving of the mistake, including one who said this is and always has been ‘completely normal for film production’. 

Fans were generally quite forgiving of the mistake.

Adding to this, a Twitter user explained: “Full disclosure: this is why the MCU usually doesn’t like to have scenes with tons of civilian extras. Too much continuity to worry about in the midst of VFX. But if a few continuity errors is the price of a background atmosphere that genuinely feels alive, I’ll pay it gladly.”

Whatever your take on the mistake, it’s not hard to overlook when there’s so much to be excited about.

The synopsis for Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange sequel has teased that the MCU pushes the boundaries of the Multiverse 'further than ever before'. All aboard the hype train!

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits UK cinema on 5 May and is released in the US on 6 May.

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Featured Image Credit: Marvel

Topics: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Film and TV