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Disney debuts first 'plus-size' heroine in new trailer

Disney debuts first 'plus-size' heroine in new trailer

New Disney short Reflect tells the tale of a ballet dancer overcoming her body confidence issues

Disney has released a short film which features a 'plus-size' lead character and the company has been widely praised for giving representation to those not as often seen on our screens.

Of course, there’s a long way to go with regards to representation of many different types of people, but in this particular short film a young ballet dancer grapples with her body image and confidence in a traditionally image-focused world.

The film is called Reflect and it is part of the second series of Short Circuit, not the bizarre 1980s film about a sentient robot, but a series of experimental short films.

You can see a trailer for the new series below.

In the film, a young ballet dancer can be see standing in front of a mirror at the barre in her ballet gear.

Inspecting her position, the teacher tells her ‘tight tummy, long neck!’

Then, the mirror in front of her shatters as part of a fairly obvious metaphor for her body dysmorphia and broken self-confidence.

As the piece rumbles on, the ballet dancer learns to overcome her fears and doubts about her body by utilising her bravery, inner strength, and finding her confidence along the way.

It’s a heart-warming tale which touches on some really important themes too.

At first, the ballet dancer struggles with her image.

Many people have hang-ups and confidence issues about their body, but in truth, they don’t really matter and many people don’t even notice them whatsoever.

Directed by Hillary Bradfield, who is an animator that has also worked on huge productions such as Encanto and Frozen 2, the short film is available to watch on Disney+ now and has been since September 14.

Hopefully more and more people start catching it, although those who have caught it so far have been fulsome in their praise of the film.

One person said: “This plus size Disney ballet dancer will mean so much to so many people.”

Another commented: “I saw this Disney short called Reflect and it emotionally tore me up, “It’s about a little plus size girl doing ballet and the mirrors start to swallow her up because of her body insecurity but she destroys them by dancing anyway.”

In the end, she overcomes her issues and continues dancing.

A third said: “16-year-old me needed this Disney short before I quit ballet because I didn’t want to be the fat girl in class anymore.

“I’m glad little ones will have this. 10/10 for Reflect!”

So, if you want to see what everyone is on about, all you need to do is head on over to Disney+ and catch Reflect for yourself.

Featured Image Credit: Disney

Topics: Disney, Disney Plus, Film and TV