How much would someone have to pay you to eat some of the world's hottest chilli peppers?
The finalists who take part in the South Carolina Chilli-Eating Contest are willing to give it their best shot for the chance to win a $1,000 prize.
If you enjoy watching people agonisingly attempt to eat through the pain for a cash reward, then watch below:
Netflix series We Are The Champions headed down to South Carolina in 2019 to document the final of the insane eating contest.
Contestants are willing to put their mouths through absolute torture, set their throats on fire, make their eyes and noses run uncontrollably, and likely kill their own tastebuds to get their hands on $1,000.
And all I'll say is; you would have to pay me a lot more than that to even think about taking part in something like this.
In the 2019 final of Smokin' Ed Currie's inaugural Pepper Eating Challenge saw Dustin 'Atomik Menace' Johnson go up against Bella 'Heat 101' for the cash prize.

The two masochists found themselves trying to shovel a Giant Carolina Reaper, described as 'the hottest pepper in the world', down their throats.
According to the show, the Giant Carolina Reaper clocks in at over 2,600,000 Scoville Heat Units.
It's apparently even hotter than your standard, Guinness World Record holding Carolina Reaper - with the show describing them as 'peppers that even Guinness hasn't tested yet'.
"These people are insane," commented one viewer after tuning in to the competition. "Just a small bite of a reaper is brutal."
Another confessed: "I'm sweating just watching them."
And a third wrote: "I love spicy food. The hotter the better. But these people are insane!"
That they are.

While Dustin took his time with the fiery pepper, showing almost no emotion as the crowd cheered him on, Bella tried to chew hers up as quick as she could, but judging by her reaction, it wasn't an easy thing to swallow.
In the end, Dustin was the quickest to clear the chillis, taking home the $1,000 prize.
Good for him, I guess.
Netflix's We Are The Champions explores the quirkiest and oddly inspirational competitions you never knew existed. Each episode follows a unique competition, offering a glimpse into a world of determined, passionate and incredibly skilled competitors.
The chilli-eating episode joins the brave contestants taking part in the Pepper Eating Challenge, hosted by Smokin’ Ed Currie, inventor of the Carolina Reaper.
One-by-one, the competitors will succumb to the heat of the infamous Giant Carolina Reaper.
Again, for just $1,000.
Other episodes of We Are The Champions cover competitions like Fantasy Hair Styling, Yo-Yo-ing, Dog Dancing, Frog Jumping, and, of course, the famous Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling competition.
Topics: Netflix, Food and Drink