A mom has revealed about why her husband pays her a 'woman tax' twice a month.
Camilla Do Rosario, from Colcester, UK is a mother of two and content creator, who regularly posts to social media about her family.
One of her latest videos, posted to her TikTok page, surprised some viewers as she revealed that she charges her husband twice a month $104 (£85) as compensation for what she goes through that he doesn’t.
In the video, she said: “My husband pays woman tax. This tax is charged twice a month and it works out to around £2500 per year.

"This tax is to compensate me for the fact that I have to have a period every single month, I had two brutal pregnancies where I vomited most days, and then I had two C-sections.”
In other relationships, this might be hotly contended, however, she revealed that this wasn't her idea - it was, in fact, her husband's.
She continued to say: “He pays my mani and pedi twice a month. It costs roughly £85 per month. I cannot explain how happy getting a mani and pedi makes me. It really does make up for that week of bleeding."
But it's not all about what she gets out of it, but rather what it also teaches their two children, as she said: "I also feel really passionate about setting an example to my children that they should be taken care of and also to take care of themselves. "They love seeing what designs I'm gonna choose the next few weeks."
According to Camilla, women 'honestly have such a hard time', while men get away 'very easy in this life', adding: "So yeah, they should be paying women tax."
Some people in the comments were very supportive of this dynamic, as one person said: "I think I may have to implement this in my marriage."

Another said that Camilla was 'blessed' to have a man 'that thinks like that', while a third said: "Make this legal x."
A fourth commented: "The fact that this was his idea makes me smile so much."
However, not everyone was on board, with one commenter calling it 'ridiculous' and 'pathetic'.
Another claimed that women have 'far easier lives' compared to men, to which Camilla replied: "Interesting take... I'd like to see a man suffer all that women experience bringing children into the world."
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Topics: Money, TikTok, Social Media