People reckon that Google Maps has blown the lid off the UFO conspiracy by showing one flying over Bermuda.
As if Bermuda wasn't already the subject of plenty of speculation over that whole 'triangle where people disappear' business now there are claims that aliens are kicking around.
Maybe aliens are secretly behind the Bermuda Triangle and have been all this time, or perhaps there's a far less mysterious explanation for the whole thing which doesn't rely on the presence of little green men in spaceships mucking about with people.
Whatever the case, TikToker Miguel Gonzalez is a die-hard believer in the existence of aliens and he's sure he's seen definitive proof of their existence captured by none other than Google Maps.
Posting a video which has since gone viral and been viewed millions of times, Miguel shows himself zooming in on the island of Bermuda on Google Maps with his camera landing in what appears to be a zoo.

After taking a virtual stroll around for a bit the camera then gazes up towards the sky and spots what looks like the archetypal image of a UFO hovering above Bermuda.
UFO truthers have said this proves aliens are 'real' and that it was 'crazy' that proof of aliens existing and visiting our planet had essentially been sitting around on such a publicly accessible resource all this time.
However, not everyone is convinced as a slew of comments argued that what they were actually spotting on Google Maps was just a bird.
They said that this unidentified flying object was actually very much identified as a bird and it only looked a bit like a flying saucer 'because of wings fast motion' and the 'distortion from one pic to the next'.
There were plenty of sceptics who said it was either a bird, a drone or even a leaf which had blown off a nearby tree instead of proof that aliens and flying saucers exist.

On top of that there were also a worrying number of people who didn't seem to realise that Bermuda was a real place and not just the name given to the triangle.
There's been UFO sightings which have been debunked before though some folks are sure that the evidence for aliens being out there exists but is just being hidden from us.
A plethora of UFO sightings which have turned out not to be quite so unidentified after all might dent the confidence in this one being a genuine, bona-fide alien spaceship but you're welcome to believe what you like.
Topics: Aliens, Google Maps, UFO, World News, TikTok