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People say they are being ‘robbed’ after seeing the price of drinks at the Sphere

People say they are being ‘robbed’ after seeing the price of drinks at the Sphere

Vegas' latest venue promises an incredible experience, but it won't come cheap

Las Vegas' new Sphere venue is designed to be an experience, and apparently part of that experience involves paying top dollar to quench your thirst.

At any brand-new, extravagant and eye-catching venue, it wouldn't be entirely surprising to see prices a bit higher than your average bar.

The enclosed space means you're limited in where you can go to get drinks, and if you're really thirsty - or just fancy feeling a buzz while watching U2 - chances are you'll be willing to hand over that extra bit of cash.

However, there's a difference between paying an extra couple of dollars for your beer, and handing over the amount of cash that could elsewhere get you an entire meal.

Internet users have been left shocked after seeing an image of a drinks menu which is said to have been taken at the Sphere, with the cheapest drink - water - starting at $7.

And prices only go up from there, with a 'souvenir soda' available for $14, and a single 'premium liquor' setting customers back $15.

The Sphere is currently hosting U2.
Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A single beer could cost you as much as $19, and if you're looking for a bit of a fancier liquor in the venue's 'Deluxe' or 'Ultra' options, then you'll have to pay up to $19 for a single, and literally double the price for a double.

There's none of Applebee's $1 drinks here; a margarita, Paloma or even just a wine come in at $20, while the 'Speciality Cocktail', consisting of Jameson, peach and ginger, costs a huge $30.

You definitely don't want to be the person left paying for that round, do you?

And Reddit users have compared the prices to full-on theft, with one commenting: "The Sphere is a full-service attraction: get robbed inside and out."

Another added: "Yeah, this is price gouging at its finest..."

Though a lot of people are shocked at the prices, others have responded to the image to point out that Vegas isn't exactly known for being cheap.

The drinks start at $7.

"Caesars [Palace] has a bar near its main entry point where all the cocktails are $50," one person pointed out, while another responded: "Margarita seems to be a bit of bargain, as far as bargains go in Vegas."

While someone else said it was 'cheaper than what they thought'.

Considering the Sphere cost a massive $2 billion to build, it's not entirely surprising that vendors are trying to claim back some of the money with their pricey drinks.

With approximately 18,000 people able to fit into the venue each night, there's only a few million concerts to go until they start to break even.

UNILAD has contacted the Sphere for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images/r/vegas/Reddit

Topics: Money, US News