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Couple on dog walk capture chilling video of demon-like figure crossing path

Couple on dog walk capture chilling video of demon-like figure crossing path

Filmed in a Nottinghamshire wood, the eerie clip shows the 'demonic figure' before it vanishes into the dark.

You’ve probably heard spooky stories about ghosts haunting the English countryside, but what about a 'demon ghost'?

Well, one couple has captured a chilling video of the spectre whilst on an early morning walk in a Nottinghamshire wood. (Seriously though, why would you stop to film?)

The clip, which was originally a live photo, is seriously creepy with the path only lit with a single torch.

Take a look below:

While most of us would have just turned and run, Hannah Rowett decided to investigate further when she felt an eerie presence in Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, earlier this month.

Joined by her husband Dave, the couple had been getting their dogs out of the car at around 6:30 a.m. when the 52-year-old sensed they weren’t alone.

Whipping out her phone, the woman was shocked by what she saw.

The couple had been on an early morning walk.
Kennedy News

Recalling the moment, she told Kennedy News: "It's quite demonic in the way it's crawling and has long limbs. It never changes its form and if it was smoke it would change.”

She initially thought it was a 'dog' but, on closer inspection, 'it's more of a human-type form'.

She captured about 7 seconds of footage before the spectre vanished into thin air – following it with her torch.

Despite the sighting, she claims that she didn’t ‘feel scared’ as she explained what had just happened to her husband, adding that she'd 'just seen a ghost'.

Unsurprisingly, Dave was a little taken aback by the now-viral video.

Though he’d been a lifelong sceptic, the incident made sent chills down his spine.

The eerie figure was caught on camera.
Kennedy News

He said: “I've always been really sceptical but literally every hair from my feet to my head stood on end. I asked her to show me again. I loved it.”

Continuing, he added: “I wasn't scared. I was just glad to see something because I've always said that I'd need to before I believe stuff like that. This makes me believe there is something."

With no logical explanation for the video, the couple decided to share it on Facebook and it quickly gained over 3,000 shares.

And it's not the first time Hannah has had a brush with the paranormal either, as she claims that 'she has always sensed things' and 'regularly' saw a ghostly apparition of an old man in her childhood home.

"When I sense things I always get my camera out because you don't always see things with the naked eye,” she explained, adding: “That's why I caught it.”

The 52-year-old isn’t the only one having a ghostly experience in Clumber Park either.

The National Trust Park is notorious for its spooky sightings, with locals claiming they frequently see a ghost wearing a grey cloak known as the ‘Grey Lady’.

A pretty epic ghost story just in time for Halloween.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Viral, Ghosts, UK News