Teaching is hard. There's no way round it, it's just a very difficult job.
First of all, you've got to deal with the kids, gross kids carrying colds and flus, coughing and spluttering onto everything they touch.
That's even before you actually get to the bit when you've got to get them all to sit down quietly and listen to you while you try and educate them, largely on things they will never use ever again... which they know.
Then you've got the marking, which takes up hours and hours of your life and never ends.
And, of course, the parents. The pushy parents who are constantly complaining about why little Timmy or Janey got such and such a grade, or why they're not Mary or Joseph in the nativity.
It's hard graft and not for everyone.
And as one teacher recently explained, the job can take a huge toll on a person's mental health.

A former educator, going by the name @millennialmsfrizz on TikTok, says that her wellbeing improved tenfold after she quit her job and started working at Costco.
In a post to her page, Maggie said: "I just worked seven days straight, including Christmas Eve, and I feel fine.
"As a teacher, it was like just surviving every moment that by the time I got to Christmas break. I was so exhausted that I was literally sick.
"So yeah, feels pretty good to not be a teacher at this time.”

She went on to say that she felt so much better in her new line of work, despite the long hours.
"I’ve never had this type of energy, everything is better,” she said.
"I can’t believe that I ever felt so limited, that I ever thought I couldn’t do something else. I am better now than I have been in my liveable memory.”
In the caption she explained that while she didn't have a winter break, she also didn't feel like she needed it.
"This is my first year not having a winter break," she explained. "I do not miss it at all.
"My pace of my work life now is so much better, I am not sick or exhausted like I used to be when I was a teacher."
Adding: "When I was a teacher I used my winter break basically to recover and go into the next semester of just surviving.”
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