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Scotland is the best place to visit for a sustainable holiday

Scotland is the best place to visit for a sustainable holiday

If you’re looking for the most eco-friendly ways to travel in 2023, then get your trip to the Scottish Highlands booked!

If you’re looking for the most eco-friendly ways to travel in 2023, then get your trip to the Highlands booked! Yep, Scotland really is the most sustainable adventure ground you can explore.

We’re all looking for ways we can be a little kinder to the planet and shifting the way we travel can have a huge impact on our carbon footprint. But we’re not here to lecture you about the effects of fossil fuels and why it’s important to recycle. No - we’re here to highlight just how much fun you can have visiting Scotland whilst also happening to be eco…

Green Travel

Visit Scotland / Kenny Lam

Travelling to Scotland by train is not only much more eco-friendly than catching a plane, it also allows you to start your adventure straight away by taking in all the beautiful sights and scenery on the way up to the Highlands. Once you arrive in Scotland, the eco travel can continue as you cycle, hike and walk your way through your trip, exploring everything Scotland has to offer.

Green Accommodation

Hostelling Scotland

Once you’ve made it to Scotland, one of the most green and fun places to create your base is in a Youth Hostel. Now we know what you’re thinking. But Youth Hostels these days are just as comfortable and inviting as hotels. In fact, Youth Hostelling provides affordable and welcoming accommodation and is a fantastic way to meet some new travelling pals and pick up some local knowledge. Scotland has a number of award winning eco-friendly hostels such as Loch Ossian and Torridon Youth Hostel.

One of the more unique and remote places you can stay is Glen Affric Youth Hostel. Situated in one of the most beautiful glens in Scotland, a wind turbine and solar panels provide warm water and electricity. It doesn’t get more eco than that! The hostel is only accessible on foot or by mountain bike so this place is reserved for only the most adventurous.

Green Adventures

Visit Scotland / Kenny Lam

Filling your days in Scotland could not be easier. And there are plenty of green adventures to be had. From wild swimming and kayaking, to hill walking and rambling, there is something for everyone and you’ll never find yourself bored or stuck for something to do. Once you’ve worked up an appetite you can sit down and enjoy some of Scotland’s local produce. You can’t beat fish straight from Ullapool harbour. Talk about fresh!

Maybe the grass really is greener in Scotland? So try doing 2023 a little differently and book an unforgettable trip to the beautiful Highlands. Just remember to take your rubbish with you when you leave!

Featured Image Credit: VisitScotland

Topics: Travel, Scotland, Environment