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Pilot’s view during turbulence leaves people vowing to never fly again

Pilot’s view during turbulence leaves people vowing to never fly again

The video has left viewers shocked

Flying can be a scary experience for some people and the list of those too terrified to fly has seemingly gotten longer after this viral video.

The video - which was shared on TikTok - has been viewed more than six million times and shows the horrifying view pilots have during turbulence.

According to the caption, the clip is shot from within the cockpit of a Boeing 737-800 and shows the plane moving through clouds during a night time flight.

While the pilots appear to have everything under control, the footage was enough to strike fear into the hearts of multiple social media users.

Many TikTok users remarked at how impressed they were of the pilots for flying the plane while not having good visibility as well as highlighting their own fears.

One user wrote: "Wait. Is this for real for real or is it AI generated? Because now I never want to get on a plane."

Another added: "[This video] gave me flash backs of when I drove in heavy fog and felt like I wasn’t going to make it home."

A third commented: “The fact that they can see less in front of them than a car driving makes me never wanna fly again."

The video has been viewed more than six million times.

A fourth said: “Dang! That looks scary as hell eh. Big respect to those Pilots. That requires some solid mental strength and a high level of calmness to do this."

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), turbulence 'is air movement created by atmospheric pressure, jet streams, air around mountains, cold or warm weather fronts or thunderstorms'.

It can be unexpected and can happen when the sky appears to be clear.

While there is no inherent danger from encountering turbulence, in some cases it can cause injuries due to the plane jolting quickly.

The FAA has given tips on how to avoid injuries from unexpected turbulence.
Getty Stock Image

The FAA has given tips on how to avoid injuries from unexpected turbulence, including keeping your seatbelt buckled at all times. Staff members have also been trained on what to do in the event of turbulence.

“Listen to the pilots and flight attendants - FAA regulations require passengers to be seated with their seat belts fastened whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated during flight,” the FAA said.

“Pay attention to the safety briefing at the beginning of your flight and read the safety briefing card.

“Use an approved child safety seat or device if your child is under two.

“Prevent inflight injuries by adhering to your airline’s carry-on restrictions.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/aviacao.e.curiosidade

Topics: TikTok, Travel