Working in hospitality isn't for the faint of heart - something this former hotel manager knows after working in the industry for more than ten years.
While most people who go to hotels are probably very polite, courteous and kind to staff members (or so you'd like to think), there can be a handful of individuals who are quite the opposite.
An ex front of house manger recalled some of his experiences of working in the hospitality industry, where he worked in hotels that ranged for $99 a night, to high-end boutiques that cost much as $1,400 a night.

At one of the establishments the anonymous insider worked at, a group of rich people hired out an entire space just to host a sex party.
"There was a group of fabulously wealthy individuals," he said. "You could definitely get a sense of just how much wealth they actually have when they're talking about buying a fleet of Boeings in the lobby, casually."
The man continued to share to VICE: "They would buy out this entire property. They were spending as much as a luxury wedding, and it was basically a giant swingers' orgy."

During these parties, people would reportedly have sex in the pool, lie on the hotel's wine bars in the birthday suits, and also do the deed on the balcony for everyone to see.
"Every single room would have a different theme and a safe word posted outside of the door," they went on. "The one that stands out to me is that there was a mermaid-themed room. It was actually quite impressive the details they went [to]."
There was also reportedly a Wild West room and BDSM room.
One couple in particular caused a bit of an issue for hotel staff as they allegedly waited to have sex until housekeeping came so that someone would watch them in the act.
With the group who hired out the space being so rich, it's safe to say that there weren't bothered about any damage or mess they left behind that would incur any fees.
According to the ex manager, one shower had the head of it sawed off and replaced with an anal probe.
There was also 'blood, feces, and semen stains' in the rooms.
Despite being extremely wealthy and leaving the hotel staff with a large mess to clean up, the man went on to say that between him and 30 other hotel workers, the rich group of people only tipped 20 bucks.
Topics: Life, Sex and Relationships